Browsing by Author "池永歆"
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Item 哈特向的地理學方法論研究(地理學系, 2008-11-??) 池永歆哈特向的《地理學的性質》與其它方法論著作,在很大的程度上,係為反駁紹爾柏克萊學派的觀點而撰述。哈特向主要以赫特納的地理學觀點,作為其方法論的立論 依據。由本研究可看出:他係以改編的方式,而再現赫特納的觀點;其首要目的在於想經由德國地理學知性傳統的採納,確立地理學的學科屬性,而鞏固地理學在美 國學術中的地位。 哈特向於《地理學的性質》所採取的論述方式,即以地理學者曾說過什麼,而歸納這些主張的表面意義,實忽視這作法本身,絕無法展現他所欲達成之地理學的性質 或本質的闡明;亦即,本研究認為有關於此課題討論,須由地理學的存在論基礎的確認,方能闡釋地理學科的性質。Item 康熙時期臺灣社會文化空間(地理學系, 1997-11-??) 潘朝陽; 池永歆Towards the end of the Kangxi(康熙)era, the large number of immigrants coming from what today is Fujian and Guangdong provinces gradually created a Chinese pioneer society in Taiwan. The sociocultural spatiality of the Chinese people in Taiwan's Zhonglu( 中路 )and Beilu (北路 )areas at that time can be divided into three domains: A core area consisting of Fucheng (府城 )and the adjacent Taiwan county; a mixed Min (閩 )-and Hakka( 客 )-speaking outlying area from Xiajiadong( 下加冬 ) to Douliumen (斗六門 ); and a mixed Hakka and aboriginal area to the north of Douliumen. The Nanlu (南路 )area was bounded by the lower Danshui River (下淡水河 );on the right bank were Min-speaking settlers, and on the left was the Hakka sociocultural Domain. In terms of sociocultural character, the Chinese in Taiwan at that time were coarse, fickle, lawless, and scornful of educational and cultural pursuits. It was this character that led to several popular uprisings during the Kangxi period. In particular, the Zhu Yigui Riot (朱一貴事變 ), which spread to all areas of Chinese Taiwan, was a typical product of this sociocultural spatiality. Apart from the characteristic sociocultural structure of the Chinese pioneer society in Taiwan, government oppression was the most direct reason for the sudden popular uprising that occurred in the Zhu Yigui Riot. The local sociocultural characteristics provided the chief basis for the rebellion of Zhu Yigui and his followers. This unique basis inevitably displayed a related spatial nature during the course of the uprising. This thesis discusses the sociocultural spatial of Taiwan during the Kangxi period, and uses the Zhu Yigui Riot as a main thread in shedding light on the spatiality content and significance of all stages of the uprising and its suppression. It also describes the spatial structure of the uprising's major events. This thesis seeks to illuminate the concepts that human activities are fundamentally spatial in nature, and spatiality is a mode of human existence.Item 康熙時期臺灣社會文化空間:朱一貴事變為軸的詮釋(國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1997-11-01) 潘朝陽; 池永歆; Chao-Yang PanTowards the end of the Kangxi(康熙)era, the large number of immigrants coming from what today is Fujian and Guangdong provinces gradually created a Chinese pioneer society in Taiwan. The sociocultural spatiality of the Chinese people in Taiwan's Zhonglu( 中路 )and Beilu (北路 )areas at that time can be divided into three domains: A core area consisting of Fucheng (府城 )and the adjacent Taiwan county; a mixed Min (閩 )-and Hakka( 客 )-speaking outlying area from Xiajiadong( 下加冬 ) to Douliumen (斗六門 ); and a mixed Hakka and aboriginal area to the north of Douliumen. The Nanlu (南路 )area was bounded by the lower Danshui River (下淡水河 );on the right bank were Min-speaking settlers, and on the left was the Hakka sociocultural Domain. In terms of sociocultural character, the Chinese in Taiwan at that time were coarse, fickle, lawless, and scornful of educational and cultural pursuits. It was this character that led to several popular uprisings during the Kangxi period. In particular, the Zhu Yigui Riot (朱一貴事變 ), which spread to all areas of Chinese Taiwan, was a typical product of this sociocultural spatiality. Apart from the characteristic sociocultural structure of the Chinese pioneer society in Taiwan, government oppression was the most direct reason for the sudden popular uprising that occurred in the Zhu Yigui Riot. The local sociocultural characteristics provided the chief basis for the rebellion of Zhu Yigui and his followers. This unique basis inevitably displayed a related spatial nature during the course of the uprising. This thesis discusses the sociocultural spatial of Taiwan during the Kangxi period, and uses the Zhu Yigui Riot as a main thread in shedding light on the spatiality content and significance of all stages of the uprising and its suppression. It also describes the spatial structure of the uprising's major events. This thesis seeks to illuminate the concepts that human activities are fundamentally spatial in nature, and spatiality is a mode of human existence. After first describing the characteristics of the sociocultural space of Kangxi-period Taiwan, the thesis then elaborates on the spatial nature of the emergence and course of the Zhu Yigui Riot.Item 洪堡德所奠立之地理學的一種美學傳統(地理學系, 2005-11-??) 池永歆地理學界對亞歷山大.馮.洪堡德(Alexander von Humboldt、1769-1859)思想學說的關注,常以作為地理學思想史上的洪堡德而認識他。在論及洪堡德的地理學思想史的專著中,例如哈特向 (Hartshorne)的《地理學的性質》(The Nature of Geography)、狄克生(Dickinson)所撰之《現代地理學的創建者》(The Makers of Modern Geography)或者是詹姆士(James)與馬丁(Martin)所撰寫的《大千世界:地理學理念史》(All Possible World:A History of Geographical Ideas),咸認洪堡德是一位具備博學知識的博物學家以及現代地理學的奠基者、創建人,對許多領域均有豐碩的貢獻。論及洪堡德對地理學的看法,通常包 括:他對系統地理學(systematic geography)發展的貢獻、根據區域現象之相互關聯的整體研究而對個別區域做解釋性描述,以及他強調人是自然的一部分與自然具有合諧與統一性的觀點 (Hartshorne,1939: 78-79、Dickinson、1969、James與Martin,1993: 112-126)等等。 洪堡德的著作對19世紀的影響,擴及許多科學研究的領域,包括:地質學、地球物理學、地理學與生物學等;例如,達爾文(Charles Darwin、1809-1882)在1881年一封給虎克(Hooker)的信中,就形容洪堡德為「曾經存在之最偉大的科學旅行者」(the greatest scientific traveler who ever lived)。當達爾文乘坐獵犬號從事科學探險時,隨身攜帶洪堡德的著作,後來並回憶到這些洪堡德的著作改變他一生的整個過程 (Richards,2003: 92-93)。 美國文學家愛默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson、1803-1882)在洪堡德100歲冥誕時(1869年),曾著專文將其描述為「世界的奇才之一,就像亞里斯多德、就像凱 薩......,他不時地出現,彷彿向我們展現人類理智的潛在價值----一位博學多才的人(a universal man)......。」這位「博學多才的人」的知性遺產(intellectual legacy),對當代人文主義地理學(humanistic geography)的研究具有啟迪作用,這些在人文主義地理學的奠立者段義孚(Yi-Fu Tuan)如下的論述中可清楚地見到(Tuan,1999: 86): 亞歷山大.馮.洪堡德對我來說是一個英雄,有著明顯的理由。他是現代自然地理學的奠基者,而我做為一名自然地理學者開始我的事業。他對於地理學的探索史做 了出眾的貢獻,並是最先運用景觀畫與詩歌以延伸地理經驗範圍的其中一位----感情、情緒與概念----這些構成人文主義地理學的領域,是我成年歲月的知 性焦點。