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Item The Effect of Leadership Behavior, Knowledge Management Practice, Corporate Culture on Organizational Performance for Banking Institution in Taiwan(2012) 蔡宜靜; Yi-Ching TsaiUnder this rapidly changing environment, it is hard to keep the same strategy. However, leaders should know the goal of company development, customers’ future needs, and issue constant change in corporate strategy. After the 1990’s, knowledge management became an important issue, as it can gradually influence organizational performance. Additionally, the execution of knowledge management, leadership behavior and corporate culture will influence business performance. Thus, this study aims to show knowledge management execution, leadership behavior and corporate culture influences the business performance in the context of financial institutions in Taiwan. There are seven banks join this important survey which including Bank of Taiwan, Land bank, Cathay bank, Tai-shin bank, SK bank, Far Eastern bank and En-Tie bank. The research samples are to be collected and the data will be analyzed by Descriptive statistics, Ordinal least squares (OLS) and Partial Least Squares (PLS).The empirical results show that leadership, practice and culture all have positive and significant effect on Taiwan commercial banks’ organizational performance. The results of the Descriptive statistics helped to point out what aspects of the knowledge management system influence were most important for organization to execute knowledge management. According to original theory, leadership, practice and culture these three dimensions are overlapping. Therefore, assumption one is three dimensions run multiple regressions separately. They are four factors in each dimension. And, they are two to three factors in dimension are significant. Assumption two is that three dimension, there are seven factors run multiple regressions, and find out only three factors are significant. The empirical results show the banking system need to improve trust and authentic leadership and enforce other dimension to help organization to improve organizational performance. In order to solve the problem of multicollinearity in OLS multiple regressions, a system equation model was established by using PLS method. The empirical results of PLS method for different assumptions and hypothesis shows that leadership behavior, knowledge management practice and corporate culture have positive and significant effect on organizational performance for banking institution in Taiwan.Item 中西文化之交流與融合(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2003-12-??) 蔡宜靜Item 中西文化之交流與融合(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2003-12-??) 蔡宜靜Item 湖南龍山里耶古城之發現與戰國秦漢史研究(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2003-09-??) 蔡宜靜Item 湖南龍山里耶古城之發現與戰國秦漢史研究(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2003-09-??) 蔡宜靜Item 牽手走過流淚谷:基督徒夫妻走過婚姻衝突之敘說研究─對偶觀點(2016) 蔡宜靜; Tsai, Yi-Jing本研究旨在瞭解基督徒夫妻面對婚姻衝突的歷程,而基督信仰在此歷程中扮演何種角色,以及基督徒夫妻如何詮釋婚姻衝突的意義。本研究採取立意取樣及滾雪球取樣,深入訪談三對基督徒夫妻,婚齡分別為12、22、31年,其中一對基督徒夫妻為婚前成為基督徒,另外兩對則於婚後成為基督徒。 分析方式採用質性方法中的敘說分析,將訪談逐字稿轉化成故事文本,以敘事分析之「整體-內容」模式進行分析,撰寫其個別婚姻故事以及跨故事分析,並於綜合討論中呈現夫妻婚姻生活、婚姻衝突中,原生家庭對其之影響、基督信仰對其之影響以及基督徒夫妻對婚姻衝突意義之詮釋。 本研究所歸納之結果如下: ㄧ、父母的互動方式、因應衝突方式、教育內涵、家庭氣氛等原生家庭因素影響夫妻互動方式、因應衝突方式、婚姻期待。 二、個性差異及性別角色期待因素為婚姻衝突來源之重要因素。 三、基督信仰於基督徒夫妻認知、情感、行為的影響力明顯出現於衝突之後的冷靜思考階段。 四、基督信仰中的「饒恕」觀幫助基督徒夫妻走過婚姻衝突。 五、教會開設的「婚前輔導」課程有益基督徒夫妻學習經營合乎《聖經》的婚姻關係。 六、基督徒夫妻對婚姻衝突之詮釋為「自我成長」、「彼此了解」、「釘死老我」。 根據以上研究結果,研究者給予對婚姻諮商專業人員、教牧諮商輔導人員、基督教會牧養夫妻者、對基督徒夫妻以及對未來研究之建議。Item 秦漢戶政制度研究(2005) 蔡宜靜本論文主要探討秦漢時期的戶政制度。秦漢時期的戶政制度,廣義而言,包含當時戶籍制度、地方行政制度、案比制度、上計制度與當時的授田制度,從而構成一套完整的戶政運作體系。 首先,探討秦漢戶政形成的背景。春秋戰國時代的劇變,使秦漢時代的戶政制度逐漸形成雛形,故需上溯至此時期的變動。另外,商鞅變法是秦漢戶政制度形成的關鍵點,故本論文在探討商鞅變法的影響方面,將著重在他對戶政改革的措施及影響。 其次,戶籍制度本是戶政制度的主軸,故本論文在論述完形成背景之後,接著論述秦、漢的戶籍制度。然而漢雖承秦制,但因時代的不同,仍有所差異,所以論及秦、漢的戶籍制度時,將予以分開論述及討論。 再者,秦漢時期從中央到地方自有一套管理戶政的體系。基本上,秦漢時期的戶籍是藏於鄉中,故在當時戶政管理體系之中,尤重基層的鄉里什伍。因此,本文論述至此一課題時,將著重於基層的管理運作體系。此外,秦漢之時,因徵調賦役之故,特重戶口調查。而戶口調查之後,地方政府需將統計的人口數字及其他相關數字上呈中央政府,中央也依此為考核官吏之政績的依據。故案比制度與上計制度實為當時戶政制度之一環,不可不論述之。又關於授田制與戶政之關係,或因史料稀少,較易受忽視。秦漢時之戶籍與田籍的分別,並無十分明確,因當時以戶籍為主,田籍只能附屬於戶籍,再加上秦漢政府欲培養小農經濟,以穩定稅收與傜役來源,常以授田方式來鼓勵百姓分家立戶,所以授田制度也屬戶政制度的一環,需予以論述與探討。Item 阜陽漢簡《詩經》與漢代詩經學(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2002-09-??) 蔡宜靜Item 阜陽漢簡《詩經》與漢代詩經學(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系, 2002-09-??) 蔡宜靜