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Item Problems and Solutions in Applying Assessment Center Methods in Taiwan(2005) 陳昱蓉; Yu-Rong ChenAssessment center method (ACM) is an ever more complete and appropriate method with respect to human resource practice in this ever changing, global and technologically demanding business environment. However, the operation of ACM is relatively preliminary due to different business environments in Taiwan. Thus, the study was aimed to explore the current situation of applying ACM in Taiwan, to investigate the problems of implementation, to construct a comprehensive strategy to solve these problems and to provide the concrete conclusions and suggestions to practitioners and further studies. By using qualitative research method with multiple cases, the main problems of applying ACM on Taiwan found in this study were: (1) All aspects during application can not be ignored (2) Managerial capabilities need to be enhanced (3) Never think assessment center as ‘panacea’ (4)Effective assessment center in Taiwan has not been built. In addition, comprehensive solutions to cope with these problems concluded in this study were (1) Seek for support from executives (2) Make the purpose of application clear (3) Establish the system of assessment (4) Select suitable assessment center for your own company (5) Provide Training after assessment (6) Develop and modify materials during a period of time (7) Offer subsequent measures to leverage the assessment center.Item 漢語動詞「做」詞彙歧義與教學應用(2013-09-13) 蕭惠貞; 陳昱蓉Item 現代漢語「做」字詞歧義與消解歧義研究(2014) 陳昱蓉; Chen,Yu-Jung本研究旨在以漢語高頻動詞「做」字詞為例研究歧義與消解歧義,並以實驗探討華語學習者判斷含有歧義的句子意義時受何因素影響,以及線索詞可如何幫助消解歧義。最後,探討線索詞教學如何幫助華語學習者提升猜測意義的能力。 本文分析四組「做」字詞之意義與線索詞,並以此為基礎進行語義實驗與教學實驗,希冀提升華語學習者從線索詞中推測句義的能力。研究方法如下:設計24句的複本問卷,包括4句歧義句和20句單義句。實驗對象包含母語者和華語學習者,母語者的流程為說出目標詞彙的意義、說明句子中「做」字詞之意義、圈選線索、意義關聯度。華語學習者的步驟為前測、教學、後測、圈選線索,並再次確認學過和未學過的語義。 研究結果主要為(i)在歧義句,母語者判斷詞彙意義,選擇相對頻率較高的詞義;而華語學習者未受相對頻率影響,傾向選擇基本義;(ii)在前測單義句部分,語義關聯度愈高,華語學習者掌握得愈佳;(iii)以英語華語學習者為例,詞彙的幾個意義若與學生的母語較接近,則華語學習者通常掌握得較好;(iv)在教學實驗後,前後測的單義句分數整體進步20.3分,學習效果顯著;(v)在後測的線索圈選部分,華語學習者的答對率與其圈選的線索詞為中度相關,表示答題時任意猜測的可能性低,即在經過學習後,能掌握詞彙意義和線索的關係,顯示教學內容對華語學習者的教學有幫助。 本文建議教學時可教導學生詞彙意義判斷策略,亦即閱讀文章時,透過語境中相關的線索詞推測多義詞的詞義,使華語學習者能有效藉由語境中的線索判斷詞彙意義。最後,期能將結果應用於其它動詞的研究及教學上。