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Item 低涉入度消費者如何透過中央說服途徑處理產品核心特性(2013) 廖曉彤; Hsiao-Tung LiaoThe Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) has been widely used by marketing industry and researchers in explaining advertising persuasion effectiveness since 1980’s. ELM proposed that low elaboration likelihood tends to process peripheral cues rather than arguments. However, in this study we examined the effect of misconceived arguments on ad processing and product assessment. In this study, we define low involvement is the group who are low in objective knowledge regardless their motivation. We found that consumers who are low in objective knowledge (e.g., novices) are capable of processing central arguments as long as they have high motivation and abundant subjective knowledge. The result showed that even without high level of expertise, the attitude certainty of novices is as great as high involvement group (e.g., experts) when they are high in motivation. In contrast, the product attitudes formed by low objective consumers are opposite to high involvement consumers.