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    (2013) 蕭建華; Hsiao, Chien-Hua
    本研究主旨在探究介入自我效能對高一學生地球科學學習成效之影響。選擇兩所不同教學情境的學校,探究學生接受介入自我效能對地球科學的學科態度、學習信心與學習成就之影響。研究方法採用不等的準實驗研究設計,參與研究的對象是中部與南部各1所國立綜合高中一年級共395名學生。兩校皆以班級為單位隨機分派為實驗組與控制組。實驗組學生接受介入自我效能的教學策略(SEI策略);而控制組學生則是接受無介入自我效能的教學策略(NSEI策略)。根據學生的地球科學態度量表、學習信心量表與學習成就測驗前後測成績及學生的訪談資料進行分析。資料分析的統計方法包括描述統計、變異數分析與逐步迴歸分析,並計算實驗效果量。 研究結果顯示: 一、學校以常態編班,教師依教科書內容順序進行教學,學生是小組分組座位的學習環境,介入自我效能對高一學生的地球科學學科態度有正面影響,達顯著差異,並有接近中度的實驗效果量,但是學習信心及學習成就則無顯著差異。 二、學校以非常態編班,教師未依教科書內容順序進行教學,學生是個別座位的學習環境,介入自我效能對高一學生的地球科學學科態度、學習信心及學習成就之影響無顯著差異。 三、影響高一學生的地球科學學科態度與學習信心的因素有教師教學方式、課程內容、自我學習評估、教室環境、考試成績及學習興趣等面向。 本研究提出下列建議: 一、建議教師的教學可融入介入自我效能的教學策略,促發學生的學習動機,以增進學生對地球科學的學科態度。 二、教科書的教材內容應顧及不同程度學生的學習需求,以提升不同程度學生的學習成就,增強學生對地球科學的學習信心。 三、建議未來的研究可以簡化自我學習評估問卷的內容,多元化方式介入自我效能,並減少問卷的次數,由整學期的8次減少為4-6次。 四、本研究選取樣本對照全國高中學生,並不具普遍代表性。因此,研究結果不宜全面性地推論至其他地區各學校之高中或高職學生,研究推論範圍應與本研究設計類似之學校與學生。
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    (2005) 蕭建華; Chien-Hua Hsiao
    本研究的主要目的在初探不同學習環境對高一學生地球科學學習成效的影響,藉由進行不同學習環境的實驗教學,分析學生在地球科學的學科態度與學習成就上之差異,並提出建議供教師在營造學習環境時之參考。 研究設計採準實驗研究法,參與研究的對象是中部某國立高中一年級四個班共156名學生,以班級為單位隨機分派為實驗組與控制組各兩班。兩組學生首先接受「地球科學教室學習環境問卷(ESCLEI)」與「地球科學學習成效量表(ESLOI)」(包含學科態度與學習成就)前測,藉由分析ESCLEI的結果,了解學生對學習環境的感受與偏好,接著分別進行為期3週(6節課)的教學;實驗組學生進行符合多數學生對學習環境偏好(ALEP)的教學,也就是融合學生中心與教師中心的教學;而控制組學生則是進行不符合多數學生對學習環境偏好(NALEP)的教學,也就是教師中心的教學。實驗教學後,兩組學生再施以ESCLEI與ESLOI後測;另外,實驗組學生並填寫「課程回饋」之開放式問卷。資料分析的統計方法包括描述統計、變異數分析(ANOVA)、共變數分析(ANCOVA)與多變項共變數分析(MANCOVA)。 研究結果顯示,實驗教學後: 一、在學習成效(包含學科態度與學習成就)上,實驗組的分數比控制組的分數高,達統計上顯著差異,有中度實驗效果量。 二、在學習成就上,實驗組與控制組未達統計上顯著差異,有低度實驗效果量。 三、在學科態度上,實驗組比控制組更具正向的態度,達統計上顯著差異,有接近中度實驗效果量。 四、從學科態度的三個構念來看,在「對地球科學所持的態度」和「對學習地球科學所持的態度」上,實驗組的分數都比控制組的分數高,達統計上顯著差異,有接近中度實驗效果量。而在「對參與地球科學討論活動所持的態度」上,未達統計上顯著差異,有低度實驗效果量。 根據研究結果,本研究提出下列幾點建議: 一、由於學生的地球科學學習成就與對學科態度,似乎可以藉由教學上營造符合多數學生對學習環境偏好的教室學習環境而增強。因此,建議教師在教學時,應該多營造符合多數學生偏好的學習環境。 二、面對多元的社會環境,多元的學生特質與多元的學習方式,建議教師在教學策略的運用應該多有變化,以符合不同學生對學習的需求。 三、本研究非長時間(整學期)的實驗教學,且參與研究的對象並不具普遍代表性,因此,研究結果不宜作全面性的推論。建議未來應進行較長時間且更具代表性樣本的研究,以與本初探研究的結果相對照。
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    (2004) 李旻憲; Min-Hsien Lee
    The chief purpose of this study is to explore the classroom learning environment (LE) at secondary school, includes students’ preference toward classroom LE which focusing on students’ viewpoints (perceptions and fitness) and specifically dealing with student-centred and teacher-centred orientation by an alternative, transverse or macrocosmic standpoint. A pre-test post-test survey design involving 1,234 students from 34 classes enrolled in a compulsory earth science course at 14 schools was adopted. Each student responded to the earth science classroom learning environment instrument (ESCLEI) and completed the earth science learning outcomes questionnaire (ESLOQ) in summer semester from September 2003 to February 2004. We used a class as the unit of analysis in this study. The results showed that students’ preferred and perceived (actual) classroom LEs are much more oriented toward teacher-centred setting then toward the student-centred setting in both pre- and post-test, in spite of the preferred classroom LEs revealed by students’ responses on both subscales are quite similar to each other. The classroom LEs settings are chiefly teacher-centred oriented, although students were also fond of the student-centred settings and it still had a certain extent gap between their preferred and actual (perceived) classroom LEs. Students’ preferred classroom LEs on both subscales tend to regress when they were taught during a semester and their perceived (actual) classroom LEs on teacher-centred orientation have a similar outcome. It is worthy noted that students perceived (actual) much more student-centred oriented classroom LE when they were taught during a semester. Moreover, students’ person-LE fitness (PEF) on both subscales tend to regression when they were taught during a semester, especially in student-center. Results form the simple correlation (r) revealed that there were some positive relationship between classroom climate vector in student-center (CVS) and the diversities of leaning outcomes (i.e. attitude and achievement), and were no significant relationship between CVT and the diversities of learning outcomes. It seem to indicate that the diversities of learning outcomes were tended to increase which if teacher didn’t fitted for students’ perceptions on student-centred orientations in light of current study. Overall, this study revealed the present structure of classroom LE at the secondary school earth science classroom, and it also revealed students’ perceptions and the fitness in classroom LE. Principals and supervisors may use it to help teacher improve their classroom environments. It is noted, however, that there were some relationships between CV and diversity of learning outcomes; it still needed some further investigations to interpret the data given form present study.