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Publication 以鏈結資料發展電影資訊系統之研究(國家圖書館, 2015-06) 鄭, 智遠; 柯, 皓仁; 柯, 皓仁電影是人們普遍的休閒活動之一,電影資訊也是人們經常透過網際網路查找的資訊之一,然而網際網路上龐大的電影資訊卻也有著資訊分散、重複性和不一致的問題。鏈結資料是實踐語意網的最佳實務,其基於資料的機制有助於不同系統間的資料交換與整合。本研究運用內容管理系統Drupal建構一套融入鏈結資料精神,以IMDb的電影、導演和演員資料為基礎,整合DBpedia、LinkedMDB、DBtune,以及大英圖書館等鏈結資料來源的電影資訊系統,使電影資訊內容更加豐富且提升鏈結資料的閱讀性。最後並藉由系統使用性量表來評估該系統的使用性,了解使用者對本系統的接受度,評估結果顯示本系統的使用性是可接受的。Movie watching is a common leisure activity, and thus people seek for information about movies from the Internet very often. However, for such a large data, there are prob-lems derived like information scattering, duplication and inconsistency. Linked Data is a best practice for Semantic Web, and the data-driven technique helps the exchange and in-tegration of data among systems. This study creates a linked data-based movie information system by the content management system Drupal. This system exploits the information on movies, directors, and actors from IMDb, and integrates the information from several linked-data producers, including DBpedia, LinkedMDB, DBtune, and British Library. In this manner, the system provides rich movie information and enhance readability of linked data. Finally, this study evaluates this linked data-based movie information system by the System Usability Scale (SUS) to understand user usability and acceptance of the system, and the SUS evaluations show that this system’s usability is acceptable.Item A study on mental models of taggers and experts for article indexing based on analysis of keyword usage.(2014-08-01) 柯皓仁; Ya-Ning Chen; Hao-Ren KeThis article explores the mental models of article indexing of taggers and experts in keyword usage. Better understanding of the mental models of taggers and experts and their usage gap may inspire better selection of appropriate keywords for organizing information resources. Using a data set of 3,972 tags from CiteULike and 6,708 descriptors from Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) from 1,489 scholarly articles of 13 library and information science journals, social network analysis and frequent-pattern tree methods were used to capture and build up the mental models of article indexing of taggers and experts when using keywords, and to generalize their structures and patterns. When measured with respect to the terms used, a power-law distribution, a comparison of terms used as tags and descriptors, social network analysis (including centrality, overall structure, and role equivalent) and frequent-pattern tree analysis, little similarity was found between the mental models of taggers and experts. Twenty-five patterns of path-based rules and 12 identical rules of frequent-pattern trees were shared by taggers and experts. Title- and topic-related keyword categories were the most popular keyword categories used in path-based rules of frequent-pattern trees, and also the most popular members of 25 patterns and the starting point of the 12 identical rules.Publication 淺談公共圖書館績效評估(臺北市立圖書館, 2014-12-01) 柯皓仁; 柯, 皓仁圖書館績效評估是圖書館整體品質管理的一環,藉由任務與目標的制定,研擬資源分配與行動方案,再運用績效評估衡量行動方案的成果是否契合任務與目標。近年來,由於政經社會環境的改變,民眾、社區與政府皆要求公共圖書館展現其營運成效,是以公共圖書館績效評估愈形重要。本文闡述圖書館績效評估的定義,再介紹德國、美國、以及我國實施之公共圖書館績效評估相關計畫;最後,則說明從投入、產出層面的績效評估進展到成效評估。Item FRBRoo-based approach to heterogeneous metadata integration.(2013-01-01) 柯皓仁; Ya-Ning Chen; Hao-Ren KeThis paper seeks to adopt FRBRoo as an ontological approach to integrate heterogeneous metadata, and transform human-understandable format into machine-understandable format for semantic query. Design/methodology/approach – Two cases of use with museum artefacts and literary works were exploited to illustrate how FRBRoo can be used to re-contextualize the semantics of elements and the semantic relationships embedded in those elements. The shared ontology was then RDFized and examples were explored to examine the feasibility of the proposed approach. Findings – FRBRoo can play a role as inter lingua aligning museum and library metadata to achieve heterogeneous metadata integration and semantic query without changing either of the original approaches to fit the other. Research limitations/implications – Exploration of more diverse use cases is required to further align the different approaches of museums and libraries using FRBRoo and make revisions. Practical implications – Solid evidence is provided for the use of FRBRoo in heterogeneous metadata integration and semantic query. Originality/value – This is the first study to elaborate how FRBRoo can play a role as a shared ontology to integrate the heterogeneous metadata generated by museums and libraries. This paper also shows how the proposed approach is distinct from the Dublin Core format crosswalk in re-contextualizing semantic meanings and their relationships, and further provides four new sub-types for mapping description language.Item 臺灣地區大學圖書館特色館藏發展之研究(國立臺灣大學圖書館, 2013-09-01) 賴雅柔; 柯皓仁Item 兒童數位學習資料庫之空間圖示資訊搜尋介面設計(國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2014-04-01) 吳可久; 林佳蓉; 陳泓均; 柯皓仁國小學童資訊尋求行為、語文及圖項認知能力均與成人有極大差異。然而網路科技快速發展,針對數位時代兒童,極需發展客製化資訊收尋介面來協助兒童利用數位資料庫學習。本研就針對兒童在虛擬空間電腦遊戲時易著重將實體經驗導入之現象,連結兒童之空間尋路及資訊搜尋行為之概念,設計並驗證一個空間圖示資訊搜尋介面。該介面利用電腦科技塑造3D虛擬空間,並結合圖符(Icon)與學習資料庫,將圖福安至於3D虛擬空間,讓兒童探索及並搜尋資訊。研究並針對兒童在二度平面圖像超連結(GH)、三度空間延伸式俯瞰(ES)、三度空間延伸式路徑(ER),之使用效率、有效性、操作次數,以單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)進行檢定。發現兒童在各種介面中表現不同行為,而提供兒童綜關知識領域全局之介面將有利於兒童搜尋資訊。研究建議資訊視覺化(Information Visualization)、概念關聯(Concept Association)可導入兒童資訊搜尋介面設計未來研究Item 表演藝術團體導入數位典藏之研究(淡江大學資訊與圖書館學系, 2012-10-01) 林芳伶; 柯皓仁表演藝術孕育了豐富的文化資產,表演藝術團體運用有限的資源保存其作品,若表演藝術團體導入數位化,進行數位典藏,將能讓表演藝術此一豐富的文化資產得以長久保存。本研究採用質化研究方法,以半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集,共訪問十位受訪者,其中包含七家表演藝術團體、兩家學術單位與一家文化機構。本研究旨在探究已實施數位典藏之表演藝術團體的經驗,包括導入動機、導入前後工作流程與組織之差異及面臨之困難、後續效益與加值應用;對於未實施數位典藏表演藝術團體,則瞭解其未導入的原因及導入意願;對於曾與表演藝術團體合作數位典藏的學界或文化機構,則瞭解其與表演藝術團體合作數位典藏之方式。Publication 資源探索服務之功能評估(國立成功大學圖書館, 2013-11-01) 柯皓仁; 柯, 皓仁Item 應用語句關係網路計算語句向心性之新聞事件摘要方法(國立清華大學科技管理研究所, 2014-07-01) 葉鎮源; 楊維邦; 柯皓仁; 鄭培成摘錄式摘要技術的核心在於評估語句的摘要代表性,藉以排序語句作為摘錄 語句時的依據。本研究將語句視為節點,藉由語句相似度來決定節點間是否存在 連結,依此建構出語句關係網路模型。接著,衡量節點在網路中的重要性或對於 其他相連節點的影響性,提出:(1) Degree Centrality、(2) Normalized Similarity-based Degree Centrality、(3) HITS Centrality、(4) PageRank Centrality,及(5) iSpreadRank Centrality 的節點向心性分析;並以語句向心性作為語句的摘要代表性,藉此達到 排序語句的目的。最後,導入CSIS(Cross-Sentence Information Sub-sumption)過 濾重複性資訊,依序擷取語句組成摘要。實驗使用DUC 2004 資料集來驗證上述摘 要方法的可行性。在ROUGE-1 的指標下,結合不同語句向心性之摘要效能依序 是:iSpreadRank > Normalized Similarity-based Degree > PageRank > Degree > HITS。整體而言,實驗得知應用語句關係網路計算語句向心性之摘要方法確實可行。Item Design and performance evaluation of mobile web services in libraries: A case study of the Oriental Institute of Technology Library.(2012-02-01) 柯皓仁; Hao-Ren Ke; Chun‐Yi WangPurpose – This research aims to use the Oriental Institute of Technology Library (the OIT Library) in Taiwan as a case to introduce some of the mobile web services which can be provided by a library, as well as to investigate and discuss the first two mobile web services offered by the OIT Library, the due‐day reminder and renewal‐request services, at length. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the two services is conducted. Design/methodology/approach – This research employs system logs and patron questionnaires to understand the effectiveness of, and patron satisfaction toward, the two services. Findings – Results of system log analysis show that the usage of the two services improves the average number of overdue occurrences, average amount of overdue fines, average amount of overdue fines per transaction, and average overdue rate; furthermore, the use of the services also indirectly increases the number of items borrowed by patrons, which corresponds with the questionnaire analysis as well. Results of questionnaire analysis show that 71.3 per cent and 87.5 per cent of the respondents are strongly satisfied with the due‐day reminder and renewal‐request services, respectively. Practical implications – As a case study, this research provides a direction on designing mobile web services for a library. In addition, it points out how to evaluate the performance and patron satisfaction of mobile web services through system log analysis and patron questionnaire. Originality/value – This research increases the understanding of what mobile web services can be offered by a library. In addition, many previous studies only describe certain kinds of mobile web services without showing their efficacy; however, this research evaluates the efficacy of two mobile web services in the OIT Library by an unobtrusive system log analysis, which is then complemented by a patron questionnaire.