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一、 配合國家相關立法政策

民國86年5月14日修正公佈的特殊教育法第十七條明文規定:「……特殊教育學 (校班)、特殊幼稚園(班)應依實際需要置特殊教師、相關專業服務人員及助理人員」 及「……相關專業服務人員及助理人員之遴用辦法,由中央主管教育機關訂之」。 86年4月26日修正通過的身心障礙者保護法第六條亦規定:「……各級政府及各 目的事業主管機關應設專責單位或專責人員辦理身心障礙者權益相關適宜」;而「 ……專業人員之遴用標準及培訓辦法,由中央各目的事業主管機關訂之」;同法第 十五條規定:「……專業服務制度包括個案管理、就業服務、特殊教育、醫療復健 等制度」。
提供上述專業服務所需之專業人員,包括社會工作員、特殊教育、物理治療、職 能治療師、語言治療師等業已或刻正以立法規範之,唯獨提供就業服務的專業人員 尚付之闕如。教育部特於86年7月3日以台(86)師二字第86076794號函轉立法院第三屆 第三會期第十六次會議正特殊教育法通過之附帶決議第十二項:教育部應儘速協 調各師範院校於三年內設立「職能復健諮商科系」。為落實推行身心障礙者學校到 職場的轉銜服務及就業服務,相關主管機關應妥當規劃,加強推動職業復健師培訓 工作。


二、 因應身心障礙者的社會需求

由於社會的快速變遷及民眾生活方式的多樣化,職業災害、公安事件、交通意外 事件故也隨之增多;另一方面由於醫學的發達,許多遭到嚴重病故或意外的民眾繼 續存活的可能性大為增加,相對的會造成當事人生理或心裡的障礙;部分身心障礙 者更伴隨有情緒方面困擾,不僅影響其工作表現,且亦妨礙職場中的人際關係,可 見心理復健對身心障礙者重要性於一般。因此,如何協助身心障礙者克服功能上的 限制,發揮其潛能,並做好銜接醫療、社區與職場的工作,以促使其走入社會及職 場,乃當前重要課題。

三、 配合世界潮流趨勢

「機會均等」與「充分參與」是促使身心障礙者享有合理的生活權、教育權、及 工作權的基本前題,也是世界潮流所趨。在促進身心障礙者就業機會均等及充分就 業方面,身心障礙者保護法第二十七條明訂:「各級政府應……提供無障礙個別化 職業訓練及就業服務」,而高品質的無障礙個別化訓練及就業服務,則有待相關人 員的大力推動。因此,為配合此一趨勢及提升職業重建之專業品質,培訓相關專業 人員之相關事宜實在刻不容緩

四、 有效推動職業復健服務

國內身心障礙者職業重建相關單位如:就業服務中心、職業訓練或福利機構、社 團的輔導人員在提供職業復健服務時,雖不乏滿腹熱誠與豐富之實務經驗者,但其 大部分缺乏復健諮商的專業知能,其專業角色亦遲未受肯定,導致其流動性高,相 對的會影響職業復健服務的品質。所以本校積極籌設復健諮商研究所,以培訓職業 復健諮商人才,因應當今社會需求。



五、 發展多元的教育理念

身心障礙者的復健服務有多元化、社區化、個別化的趨勢。特殊教育法第十七條 明示,教育單位應依實際需要置特殊教育教師外,也應置相關專業服務人員,亦即 在學校的階段,除提供特殊教育的服務外,也應提供相關之就養、就醫、就業等服 務。另,身心障礙者保護法亦分明列就學、就養、就醫、就業的主管單位及服務內 容,因而培育職業復健諮商師等各類專業服務人員,以提供多元化服務,才能真正 落實復健諮商服務的理想。


六、 提供進修機會、提昇整體復健服務品質

復健服務為一科技整合的工作,在設計及提供服務的過程中,若能整合並運用現 有的資源,則必能提供更完整且高品質的服務。本校原已設有特殊教育系所、教育 心理輔導系所、工業教育系所以及資訊教育系所等,並擁有這些系所所連結的周邊 支援系統,復健諮商所成立,上述資源當自成一支援網絡,可為就業服務專業人員 提供進修機會,對培育復健諮商專業人員及未來提供復健服務而言,均將能收事半 功倍之效。 




Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
  • Item
    The performance of mouse proficiency for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010-07-01) Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.; Wu, C. F.
    Information and computer technology has grown rapidly and played an essential role in our education, vocation, and daily life. However, for students with intellectual disabilities, effective cursor control is challenged. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of mouse control of 10 adolescents with intellectual disabilities compared with their aged peer. A mouse proficiency assessment software was utilized to collect the data. The results indicated that the adolescents with intellectual disabilities who had mouse using experience do not perform as efficient as their peers without disabilities, although they could use the mouse with high accuracy rates. The adolescents with intellectual disabilities spend less reaction time, longer total time and movement time, larger ratio of PL/TA, more movement units to complete pointing and clicking tasks. The results provide essential reference for designers of computer assisted learning software when developing e-learning material for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
  • Item
    Keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy.
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.
    The purpose of this study is to systematically investigate the effects of keyboard adaptations for children with cerebral palsy. Twelve children aged from 7 to 15 years old participated in this study. Keyboard adaptation strategies were developed based on the individualized assessments. A group comparison experimental design was selected to examine the effectiveness of keyboard adaptations. Speed and accuracy of typing Chinese were compared before and after keyboard adaptations. The results indicated that children with cerebral palsy did increase their typing performance after implementing keyboard adaptation strategies. The results of this study can provide health and educational profession a reference when serving children with physical disabilities.
  • Item
    An alternative Chinese keyboard layout design for single-digit typists.
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Chen, M. C.; Wu, T. F.
    This study designed an alternative Chinese keyboard layout for single-digit typists and evaluated the efficacy of this innovative layout design. The new eight row by five column keyboard layout was designed based on the principles of alternative keyboard design. Eight college students with proficient keyboarding were involved in this study. The repeated measurement experimental design was used to compare the speed and accuracy of keystroke among the four different keyboard patterns: QWERTY, Alternative, Revised-QWERTY, and Random-Alternative. The experimental results indicated that the subjects’ typing speed is fastest when utilizing the QWERTY layout (63.86 symbols/minute), followed by the Alternative (56.02 symbols/minute), Revised QWERTY (53.39 symbols/minute) and the Random-Alternative keyboard (49.94 symbols/minute). There is no significant difference among QWERTY, Alternative, Revised-QWERTY, and Random-Alternative layouts on the subjects’ typing accuracy. The possible causes of the unpredicted results and suggestions for further studies were discussed.
  • Item
    Computerized assessment approach for evaluation computer interaction performance.
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-01-01) Chen, M. C.; Chu, C. N.; Wu, T. F.; Yeh, C. C.
    This study presents a computerized assessment approach for evaluating a subject’s pointing and selecting proficiency using computer input tools, to aid access tool selection for users with severe disabilities. The CAT system consists of three subsystems. The CAT system not only provides clinicians with an objective means of evaluating clients’ specific mouse operating difficulties, but also allows them to compare the performance improvement made by a client make during the device selection and training period. The client’s performance in each assessment task is assessed on the basis of speed, accuracy and efficiency. Besides introducing the CAT system, this study also describes an example of adopting the CAT system to assist a client to select a suitable pointing device.
  • Item
    Characteristics and solutions of digital divide for People with physical impairments in Taiwan
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008-01-01) Yeh, Y. M.; Wu, T. F.; Meng, L. F.; Chen, M. C.; Wang, H. P; Wu, J. G.; Chu, C. N.; Lin, Y. L.; Yeh, C. C.
    The purpose of this study is to narrow down the digital gap between people with and those without physical impairments in Taiwan. To better understand the need of the digital learning for people with physical impairments, the authors have created the digital characteristic assessment scale, digital need assessment scale, and developed the mouse training system and on-screen keyboard assessment system. In order to comprehend the performance and practicability of the scales and systems, this integrated project have also applied these tools to evaluate and train the clients with muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.
  • Item
    The effectiveness of a pedagogical agent-based learning system for teaching word recognition to children with moderate mental retardation
    (British Educational Research Association, 2008-01-01) Lin, Y. L.; Chen, M. C.; Wu, T. F.; Yeh, Y. M.
  • Item
    Designing a scanning on-screen keyboard for people with severe motor disabilities
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008-01-01) Lin, Y. L.; Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.; Yeh, Y. M.; Wang, H. P.
    This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a scanning on-screen keyboard for persons with severe motor disabilities. In order to enhance the typing performance, the on-screen keyboard employs the group-row-column scanning and a frequency-of-use layout. Besides the international alphabetical layout, the on-screen keyboard also provides two Chinese selection layouts for Chinese users. The usability evaluation was carried out with simulations and experiments. The usability evaluation was conducted to compare the performance with that of the QWERTY layout of block scanning built in Microsoft Windows XP. The results demonstrated that the performance of using the scanning on-screen keyboard was better than that of using the Windows XP. No significant difference between the error rates of the two different keyboards was found.
  • Item
    The Performance of Mouse Proficiency for Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010-01-01) Wu, T. F; Chen, M. C.; Wu, C. F.
    Information and computer technology has grown rapidly and played an essential role in our education, vocation, and daily life. However, for students with intellectual disabilities, effective cursor control is challenged. The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of mouse control of 10 adolescents with intellectual disabilities compared with their aged peer. A mouse proficiency assessment software was utilized to collect the data. The results indicated that the adolescents with intellectual disabilities who had mouse using experience do not perform as efficient as their peers without disabilities, although they could use the mouse with high accuracy rates. The adolescents with intellectual disabilities spend less reaction time, longer total time and movement time, larger ratio of PL/TA, more movement units to complete pointing and clicking tasks. The results provide essential reference for designers of computer assisted learning software when developing e-learning material for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.
  • Item
    A kinematic analysis of directional effect on trackball mouse control in novel normal users: An alternating treatments single subject design
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007-01-01) Meng, L. F.; Chen, M. C.; Chu, C. N.; Yeh, C. C.; Wu, T. F.
    To know the directional efficiency of cursor moving is important for the purpose of guiding the rearrangement of icons and toolbars in the window environment. This rearrangement resolution can achieve better computer access especially in the clients with quadriplegia. However, the information about the directional efficiency of cursor movement is not clear even in the typical persons. Therefore, before surveying the quadriplegics, typical persons were researched in this study. Four typical persons simulated quadriplegics to operate trackball with their right dorsal hand and the kinematic parameters of cursor moving were measured. The single subject experimental research (SSER) with alternating treatments design was used to compare the effects of four cursor moving direction (right to left, down to up, left to right, and up to down) on the kinematic variables. The prior auto-correlation coefficients and Bartlett’s ratio values were computed to make sure there was no any series dependence between measuring points before conducting parametric one-way repeated measures ANOVAs. From analyzing the parameter of deviation from the straight line, velocity, movement unit and execution time, the efficiency to move on the horizontal direction (left to right or right to left) was better than move on the vertical direction (up to down or down to up). To further know the cursor kinematic performances in patients with quadriplegics will be important.