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本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


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  • Publication
    (國家圖書館, 2015-06) 鄭, 智遠; 柯, 皓仁; 柯, 皓仁
    電影是人們普遍的休閒活動之一,電影資訊也是人們經常透過網際網路查找的資訊之一,然而網際網路上龐大的電影資訊卻也有著資訊分散、重複性和不一致的問題。鏈結資料是實踐語意網的最佳實務,其基於資料的機制有助於不同系統間的資料交換與整合。本研究運用內容管理系統Drupal建構一套融入鏈結資料精神,以IMDb的電影、導演和演員資料為基礎,整合DBpedia、LinkedMDB、DBtune,以及大英圖書館等鏈結資料來源的電影資訊系統,使電影資訊內容更加豐富且提升鏈結資料的閱讀性。最後並藉由系統使用性量表來評估該系統的使用性,了解使用者對本系統的接受度,評估結果顯示本系統的使用性是可接受的。Movie watching is a common leisure activity, and thus people seek for information about movies from the Internet very often. However, for such a large data, there are prob-lems derived like information scattering, duplication and inconsistency. Linked Data is a best practice for Semantic Web, and the data-driven technique helps the exchange and in-tegration of data among systems. This study creates a linked data-based movie information system by the content management system Drupal. This system exploits the information on movies, directors, and actors from IMDb, and integrates the information from several linked-data producers, including DBpedia, LinkedMDB, DBtune, and British Library. In this manner, the system provides rich movie information and enhance readability of linked data. Finally, this study evaluates this linked data-based movie information system by the System Usability Scale (SUS) to understand user usability and acceptance of the system, and the SUS evaluations show that this system’s usability is acceptable.