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Item Using Organization Development Concept to Conduct Administrative Assessment of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan- A Preliminary Study.(American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 2009-01-01) Jen-Jen Huang; Gwo-Liang Yeh; Chie-Chien Tseng; Wei William Chen; Yin-Jinn Hwu; Donald Dah-Shyong JiangThe Health Promoting School (HPS) programs in Taiwan were initiated and implemented with funding from Department of Health and Ministry of Education during the initial phase. The purpose of this article was to describe the application of organization development (OD) concept in the administrative assessment of HPS programs and to present results of administrative assessment specifically related to health promoting schools implementation. It is hoped that results from the study will provide useful information for decision making and policy implementation regarding health promoting schools in countries with similar situation. Questionnaire and face-to face interview were conducted based on the school organization development concept. Forty-eight schools from the Phase one health promoting schools were selected to participate in the survey. In addition, one school was selected for face-to face interview. The qualitative assessment included: (1) organization development structure responsible for the implementation of HPS, (2) personnel responsible for the implementation of HPS, (3) community participation, and (4) support and resources for the HPS. Twenty-seven health promoting schools responded to the electronic survey with response rate of 56.3%. Survey results showed that majority of the HPS projects were implemented by personnel within the existing school organization. Eighty-six percent (86%) of the schools had their health education teachers or school nurses implemented the HPS project. Majority of schools (86%) implemented the HPS project with participation of community groups. All schools indicated their HPS project was supported by school administrative organization. On the other hand, 76% of schools indicated they did not have enough time and manpower to carry out the HPS project. Organization development in schools could be a useful tool to assess the implementation of HPS. HPS in Taiwan showed good organization development structure to support their implementation. However, improvement in resource integration and closer partnership with local government and community could be helpful in resolving the problems of time constraints and manpower shortage.