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Item 冒險教育海洋獨木舟課程學員的自我覺察歷程之研究(2023) 陳心禾; Chen, Hsin-Ho本研究旨在探究冒險教育海洋獨木舟課程學員的自我覺察歷程,包含學員在課程中的自我覺察經驗、意義與影響。研究方法為質性研究詮釋學,採半結構式的深入訪談,立意取樣,選擇參與某大學活動領導在職碩班的冒險教育課程的學員作為研究對象,該課程以完成澎湖獨木舟航行為課程目標。邀請5位學員參與研究。進行約兩小時的一對一訪談後,將訪談內容進行資料處理與編碼,並分析、歸納概念,建構出有意義的研究結果。本研究結果發現,冒險教育課程學員的自我覺察經驗,來自課程中經歷的事件,依屬性可分為「任務」、「夥伴互動關係」、「外在環境」,且大多會為學員帶來「失衡」感受,引發自我覺察。學員在經歷事件時,引發的「情緒感受」、「認知想法」及「身體感知」,可作為自我覺察的線索。而自我覺察的時間點,可分為「立即」與「延宕」覺知。學員在經歷自我覺察之後,得出的意義為「更認識自己的行為表現及內在狀態」,可歸納為1.看見自己的特質、價值觀、優勢與限制、內在狀態、2.覺察自己更深入的內在需求、渴望、期待3.看見自己的成長與性格變化、4.認知衝突後,突破舒適圈、5.透過外在因素(人、環境)產生新思維。學員在收穫了自我覺察的意義後產生的影響,為「面對未來的新態度或因應方式」,可歸納為1.折衷平衡,自我照顧、2.增加彈性、鬆動框架、3.職涯思考、茫然減緩、定向、4.增強認識自己的技能、5.有勇氣嘗試挑戰。最後根據研究結果,分別提出給「冒險教育課程學員」、「課程帶領者」、「想透過自我覺察增進心理健康者」、「未來相關研究」的建議。Item Web-based collaborative inquiry learning(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2003-02-01) Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.; Lee, C. L.This study proposes a web-based collaborative inquiry learning system. This system uses the World-wide web (WWW) as a source of knowledge exploration, and provides exploratory problems to guide students to think and explore. A concept map is used as a tool of anchoring and representing knowledge during inquiry process. In the process of learning, learners are allowed to exchange the evidence they have collected, their personal opinions, and the concept maps that they have built. In order to effectively integrate the inquiry learning, collaborative learning, and concept map in the system, this study proposes a collaborative inquiry learning model and related learning activities. Two studies were constructed based on the collaborative inquiry learning model to investigate students' learning processes in the collaborative inquiry learning on the web.Item Web-based collaborative inquiry learning(Wiley-Blackwell, 2003-03-01) Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.; Lee, C. L.This study proposes a web-based collaborative inquiry learning system. This system uses the World-wide web (WWW) as a source of knowledge exploration, and provides exploratory problems to guide students to think and explore. A concept map is used as a tool of anchoring and representing knowledge during inquiry process. In the process of learning, learners are allowed to exchange the evidence they have collected, their personal opinions, and the concept maps that they have built. In order to effectively integrate the inquiry learning, collaborative learning, and concept map in the system, this study proposes a collaborative inquiry learning model and related learning activities. Two studies were constructed based on the collaborative inquiry learning model to investigate students' learning processes in the collaborative inquiry learning on the web.Item 自我導向學習理論與模式(國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系, 2000-12-??) 郭麗玲