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Item 自我反思性民族誌研究:個人之博物館職場經驗(2024) 黃勝裕; Huang, Sheng-Yu「博物館到底是什麼?」這個大哉問,無論是誰,似乎都可以從國際博物館協會那裡獲得定義解惑,即便不甚瞭解,也能使用AI人工智慧ChatGPT找到各式各樣豐富的解答。但是對我個人而言,博物館卻是一場用身體力行,花費好長一段時間才得到的體驗。本論文採用敘事探究作為研究取向和研究方法,並以博物館定義、經營管理概念、MOA理論、激勵理論和轉化理論為探討基礎,從研究者「我」著手經營地方文化館的故事開始落筆,並以能呈現真實事件和人物,同時仍強調避免主觀性和偏見介入的非虛構寫作文體加以撰述,將我在各種不同型態、規模屬性迥異的博物館經歷逐一拉進,來回往復於敘事當中。敘事探究是一種不斷被創造、反思詮釋、修正、再反思詮釋的書寫過程,從這個過程發現,我是在經歷過無數次衍生自內心衝突導致外在對立的情況下,才逐漸認識到自己對於博物館真實的想法和理解,個人理想中的博物館形象,儼然不再是當初想像出來的博物館型態了。因此,我不再如以往的角度看待博物館了。從敘事探究分析發現,博物館存在本質與經濟價值之間的衝突應該講求優先順序但有妥協且平衡的空間,而建立高度協調的營運團隊,是博物館能夠順利運作的關鍵核心角色。此外,由於我自己的博物館經歷不斷地在面臨觀點衝突,但這卻促使我進行內省、反思,藉此找到了新的契機,協助我走出困境,發展出個人多元博物館事業的想法。這意味著,我在屬於自己的博物館職涯選項中增加了更多選擇。一個故事的結尾,就是另一個故事的開端,博物館這條路其實寬廣的很,期望藉此文引發更多博物館人的共鳴。Item 在遙遠的國度看見改變的力量:國際志工服務學習團體動力運作與學習成效之研究(2010) 賈大齡; CHIA TA-LING近年來,在政府及學校等相關單位的推動下,愈來愈多學生參與國際志工服務學習。茲因國際志工服務學習不僅需在一定時間內完成明確的服務目標,且需在異地直接面對不同文化的衝擊,這樣的因素聚合是可以引導學生從服務學習探索階段走向活化或內化階段。 然而,國際志工服務學習雖可開拓學生的視野,並提升其自我學習;但在密集且深入與異地文化和人際互動的情境中,學生會面臨其價值觀與現實經歷衝突的挑戰。這些挑戰對心智仍在發展中的學生因此激發其自我學習及成長?亦或是因此猶豫、退卻,而喪失其生命發展的契機?端看在挑戰的壓力下,學生志工團體是否可以相互鼓勵支持以面對問題及是否能定心討論和及時提出具體成熟的解決問題方案。本研究旨在探討國際志工服務學習團體動力運作與學習成效。研究發問如下: (一)團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習方案,團體動力運作與學習的歷程為何?(二)團體動力融入國際志工服務學習方案,參與大學生的學習成效為何?(三)影響團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習之關鑑要素為何? 本研究以質性研究取徑(approach),採立意取樣,以北部兩所大學校院參與印度國際志工之大學生共12人為研究對象,由研究者規劃團體動力方案並實際參與其中,透過參與觀察、反思會議紀錄、焦點團體座談、團隊行動會議記錄及文本分析(學生反思日誌)等多元方式進行研究資料收集,並以研究參與者及同儕檢核方式進行三角檢正(Triangulation),以建立信實度。 本研究發現: (一)國際志工服務學習團體動力運作與學習歷程分為:八方雲集、揚帆待發、波濤洶湧與滿載而歸四個動態階段。而行前培訓凝聚共識、明確目標強化動機、團體反思產生力量、解構威權增進情感、相互支持轉化學習等內外在團體動力促成團體歷程發展。 (二)參與大學生的學習成效包含:異地文化學習與共舞、感知並同理社會差異、開啟另一扇學習的窗、潛藏的人際互動關係、明顯的自我成長感受等。促進學生達到學習成效的最大因素為持續在脈絡中進行反思及以團體動力為基礎的團隊學習。 (三)影響團體動力運用於國際志工服務學習之關鍵要素為:團體動力方案、結構化反思、挑戰與支持平衡、在團隊中學習,過程中最主要的靈魂人物是反思帶領者,因此,能有成熟且具團體動力素養的師長帶領,透過深刻反思的引導,將有助於學生深化學習。 依據研究發現及本研究結果與討論,提出以下五點結論:(一)國際志工團體為一循環動態的歷程;(二)國際志工能在最短時間提昇學生學習成效(三)國際志工可達成學生服務與學習並重目標;(四)短期國際志工要達到互惠增能有其困難;(五)有效運用團體動力是國際志工成功之要素。本研究亦根據上述研究結果,就大專校院國際志工服務學習方案規畫及未來研究等提出建議,以供未來高等教育學府推動國際志工服務學習之參酌。Item Supporting teachers' reflection and learning through structured digital teaching portfolios(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009-08-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Yu, W. C.; Chang, T. H.Digital teaching portfolios have been proposed as an effective tool for teacher learning and professional development, but there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting their effectiveness. This study proposed the design of a structured digital portfolio equipped with multiple aids (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment, discussion and journal writing) for the professional development of teachers. This study also empirically evaluated the reflection and professional development as demonstrated in digital teaching portfolios with multiple supporting measures. Forty-four in-service substitute teachers participated in a course of classroom assessment and used a Web-based portfolio system. Based on the framework of teacher reflective thinking developed by Sparks-Langer et al., we found that most teachers demonstrated moderate levels of reflection in their journals but only one-third of them showed the highest level of reflection. We also found that the professional knowledge of teachers about classroom assessment – as shown by their implementation of it – improved significantly during the construction of portfolios. The above findings also represent good evidence that digital portfolios with multiple aids are beneficial to teacher reflection and professional development.Item Exploring the learning, reflection, and social interaction of teachers through digital teaching portfolios(2005-10-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.Though portfolios have been widely proposed as a tool for teacher learning and professional development, their effects have rarely been empirically evaluated. This study empirically evaluates the relationships among teachers’ learning, reflection, and social interaction, which are all demonstrated in digital teaching portfolios. 44 in-service substitute teachers participated in a course of classroom assessment and used a digital portfolio system to construct their contents of portfolios. Based on the framework of teachers’ reflective thinking developed by Sparks-Langer, Simmons, Pasch, Colton, and Starko (1990), we found that in their reflection journals most teachers were able to demonstrate middle to high levels of reflection, while most teachers did not show the highest level of reflection. We also found that teachers’ professional knowledge about classroom assessment, which was shown in their implementation of assessment activities, significantly improved during the process of constructing portfolios. The computer-mediated discourse among teachers were analyzed and then served as an indicator of teachers’ participation (social interaction) in the learning community. Pearson’s moment-product correlations were calculated among teachers’ level of reflection, intensiveness of social interaction, and learning. The results indicated that reflection is significantly related with social interaction, grades of homework, and summative achievement; but not with learning progress. Social interaction is significantly correlated with grades of homework, learning progress, and summative achievement. A metaphor of the teaching portfolio as a mediator for converging resources of and enacting teachers’ professional development was used to interpret the roles of portfolios in teachers’ professional development.Item Supporting teachers’ reflection and learning through structured digital teaching portfolios(Wiley-Blackwell, 2009-08-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Yu, W. C.; Chang, T. H.Digital teaching portfolios have been proposed as an effective tool for teacher learning and professional development, but there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting their effectiveness. This study proposed the design of a structured digital portfolio equipped with multiple aids (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment, discussion and journal writing) for the professional development of teachers. This study also empirically evaluated the reflection and professional development as demonstrated in digital teaching portfolios with multiple supporting measures. Forty-four in-service substitute teachers participated in a course of classroom assessment and used a Web-based portfolio system. Based on the framework of teacher reflective thinking developed by Sparks-Langer et al., we found that most teachers demonstrated moderate levels of reflection in their journals but only one-third of them showed the highest level of reflection. We also found that the professional knowledge of teachers about classroom assessment – as shown by their implementation of it – improved significantly during the construction of portfolios. The above findings also represent good evidence that digital portfolios with multiple aids are beneficial to teacher reflection and professional development.