
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1


本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2017-04-??) 黃韋菁; 李承鑫; 莊庭瑞; Andrea Wei-Ching Huang; Cheng-Jen Lee; Tyng-Ruey Chuang
    持續創造資料的語意與連結,藉由全球資訊網散布同時可由常人和機器處理並理解的結構性資料,進而增進資料集的「再次使用價值」(reuse value)是目前廣受重視的課題,也是本研究由理論探討邁向系統實作的動力與目的。本文簡述與「開放資料連結」(Linked Open Data, LOD)相關國際計畫與技術發展,介紹以「開放資料連結」方式建置的五項跨領域知識庫和七項專業知識庫,並解析資料品質、後設資料(Metadata)及資料溯源(Provenance)的關聯脈絡。本研究同時進行實作網站data.odw.tw,收納典藏品目錄資料,並設計知識本體(voc4odw)轉換半結構式資料為富語意結構的連結式資料。一方面擴充CKAN(The Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network)資料集管理系統,作為連結式資料的儲存與展示平台,進而強調從原始目錄資料到語意連結資料的分段轉換步驟,最後將各步驟轉換程式以及CKAN 軟體程式碼以「開放原始碼」(Open Source)方式釋出。另一方面,由於研究資料來源採「創用CC」(Creative Commons)公眾授權,因此研究成果亦以相同方式釋出,在開放基礎上促使資料與程式碼的保存與發展,可被自由再次使用與擴散。
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    A Content Knowledge Base for Chinese Language Arts Instruction
    (2004-11-30) Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Wang, Pei-Yu
    This paper describes design and development of a content knowledge base for Chinese language arts instruction. It is targeted at high school teachers for use in preparing lectures, homework assignments and exams, and possibly in designing creative learning activities. The aim is to construct a knowledge base that is capable of answering sophisticated queries about subject matter, a capability that is rarely seen in current web-based databases and their associated search engines. Three experienced teachers participated in the development process to assist in defining the knowledge scope, designing knowledge structure and giving suggestions on user interface design. Based on the result of an analysis on the intended usage as well as on the inherent knowledge structure as perceived by the participating teachers, content knowledge was classified into seven categories—personages, writings, books, literary forms, sentences, phrases and words. Attributes of each category and relationships among them were identified and a data schema for the knowledge base was derived from it. The knowledge base was finally implemented as a relational database which contains 70 tables. Knowledge items pertinent to the 200 writings selected from popular high school textbooks were loaded to the knowledge base and a pilot usability testing was conducted. It revealed that the knowledge base was generally considered as a useful teaching tool.