
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1


本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Item
    Effects of Guided Collaboration on Sixth Graders' Performance in Logo Programming
    (IEEE, 2007-10-10) Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen; Li, Yun-Lung; Ho, Rong-Guey; Li, Chia-Chen
    In this study we investigated whether guided collaboration would enhance elementary school students' achievement in learning to program in MSWLogo. Ninty- four sixth graders were randomly assigned to the individual-learning group, the free-collaboration group or the guided-collaboration group. All students were taught to follow the problem-solving steps of analysis, design, coding, debugging, and reflection, but only students of the guided-collaboration group were provided a worksheet that aimed to force students to carry out all specified activities at each step. A statistical analysis of students' test scores showed that the guided-collaboration group significantly outperformed the other two groups. The differences among the low achievers of the three groups were especially significant, indicating that they had benefited the most from guided collaboration. It was also found that guided collaboration promoted meaningful discussions among students, which had contributed to their better understanding of programming concepts and problem-solving skills, and hence better test scores.
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    Teaching Programming Concepts to High School Students with Alice
    (IEEE, 2009-10-18) Wang, Ting-Chung; Mei, Wen-Hui; Lin, Shu-Ling; Chiu, Sheng-Kuang; Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen
    A quasi-experiment was conducted in this research to investigate the feasibility of using Alice in teaching high school students programming concepts. The subjects were 166 10th-grade students from four intact classes. Alice was taught to two randomly selected classes, and the other two classes were taught C++, both for 8 weeks. The programming constructs students learned included variables, arithmetic expressions, selection structures, repetition structures and built-in functions. An analysis of students' test scores revealed that the Alice group performed significantly better than the C++ group, indicating that Alice seemed to be more effective in facilitating students' comprehension of fundamental programming concepts. Results of questionnaire surveys did not show any significant difference between the two groups in students' motivation toward learning computer programming or their overall learning experience, suggesting that the participating students seemed to have received the two languages equally well.