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Item 中年女性職場轉換之經驗與學習研究--以兒童補教業為例(2007) 林詩敏; Shih Min Lin中文摘要 本研究將討論中年女性生命階段中,「生命事件」(life events)對其生涯與職涯發展所產生的影響與轉變。藉由內心和外在世界的交錯互動,對生命事件的再評估,而引發個體產生身理上、心理上以及生活領域結構層面的重構與改變。並且,經由多重複雜因素的交互影響,進而引發驅動生涯轉變更替的動力。並探討中年女性所扮演的多重角色對其生涯與職涯發展的影響、轉業前的決策歷程以及在新職場中其知識轉移機制、從生手到專家的學習歷程之學習經驗,最後整合職場學習經驗、職場轉換歷程與轉業前後之學習策略與管道三者,並分析三者之相關性。 本研究之主要研究目的為分析中年女性職場轉換動機、分析其經驗轉換之情形以及瞭解其轉入補教業所需之工作知能及其學習特性。希望對中年女性職涯發展有所理解,並建議輔導轉戰至補教業者學習規劃之參考。 具體言之,本研究之研究問題為探究中年女性轉換職場事件之性質、原因及決策過程;分析不同社會位置之中年女性其職場轉換事件之性質、原因及決策過程之異同;探究中年女性轉入補教業所需工作知能及其學習特性;最後,分析不同社會位置之中年女性其補教工作知能與學習特性之異同。 研究過程係依靠質性研究取向,以四位受訪者所經營之補習班作為研究場域,共立意選取四位中年女性補教業者作為訪談個案,並輔以生命史研究設計、深度訪談、參與觀察和文件資料等,方能收集豐富的資訊,作為深度詮釋中年女性之職場轉換和工作經驗學習之素材。 根據研究,發現中年女性補教業者之職業生涯是多重轉化;其生涯轉換與家庭利益密不可分;職場中關係性成就感牽動中年女性轉業以及轉業是經驗連結並帶動審慎學習。再者,探究中年女性補教業者之職場類型與職場學習可歸納出六個分析焦點:分別是(一)家庭經濟之資本累積與性別角色複製;(二)安親輔導與多元才藝混合、合法與非法並存;(三)補教業者須具備具經營與教學雙重知能;「商業經營」與「教養關懷」交錯的事業;(四)補教業經營與女性自我實現以及(五)補教業者之多重學習管道。並且,在中年女性補教業者職業生涯與學習之比較分析中發現世代差異與職場類型差異等因素皆會影響中年女性之學習。 最後,根據本研究之結論,提出建議,以供政府單位、成人教育機構、有意轉戰至補教業者學習規劃及未來進一步研究之參考。 <關鍵字> 中年女性、中年期、生命事件、補教業、學習、職場轉換、經驗Item Supporting teachers' reflection and learning through structured digital teaching portfolios(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2009-08-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Yu, W. C.; Chang, T. H.Digital teaching portfolios have been proposed as an effective tool for teacher learning and professional development, but there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting their effectiveness. This study proposed the design of a structured digital portfolio equipped with multiple aids (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment, discussion and journal writing) for the professional development of teachers. This study also empirically evaluated the reflection and professional development as demonstrated in digital teaching portfolios with multiple supporting measures. Forty-four in-service substitute teachers participated in a course of classroom assessment and used a Web-based portfolio system. Based on the framework of teacher reflective thinking developed by Sparks-Langer et al., we found that most teachers demonstrated moderate levels of reflection in their journals but only one-third of them showed the highest level of reflection. We also found that the professional knowledge of teachers about classroom assessment – as shown by their implementation of it – improved significantly during the construction of portfolios. The above findings also represent good evidence that digital portfolios with multiple aids are beneficial to teacher reflection and professional development.Item Exploring the learning, reflection, and social interaction of teachers through digital teaching portfolios(2005-10-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.Though portfolios have been widely proposed as a tool for teacher learning and professional development, their effects have rarely been empirically evaluated. This study empirically evaluates the relationships among teachers’ learning, reflection, and social interaction, which are all demonstrated in digital teaching portfolios. 44 in-service substitute teachers participated in a course of classroom assessment and used a digital portfolio system to construct their contents of portfolios. Based on the framework of teachers’ reflective thinking developed by Sparks-Langer, Simmons, Pasch, Colton, and Starko (1990), we found that in their reflection journals most teachers were able to demonstrate middle to high levels of reflection, while most teachers did not show the highest level of reflection. We also found that teachers’ professional knowledge about classroom assessment, which was shown in their implementation of assessment activities, significantly improved during the process of constructing portfolios. The computer-mediated discourse among teachers were analyzed and then served as an indicator of teachers’ participation (social interaction) in the learning community. Pearson’s moment-product correlations were calculated among teachers’ level of reflection, intensiveness of social interaction, and learning. The results indicated that reflection is significantly related with social interaction, grades of homework, and summative achievement; but not with learning progress. Social interaction is significantly correlated with grades of homework, learning progress, and summative achievement. A metaphor of the teaching portfolio as a mediator for converging resources of and enacting teachers’ professional development was used to interpret the roles of portfolios in teachers’ professional development.Item Supporting teachers’ reflection and learning through structured digital teaching portfolios(Wiley-Blackwell, 2009-08-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Yu, W. C.; Chang, T. H.Digital teaching portfolios have been proposed as an effective tool for teacher learning and professional development, but there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting their effectiveness. This study proposed the design of a structured digital portfolio equipped with multiple aids (e.g. self-assessment, peer assessment, discussion and journal writing) for the professional development of teachers. This study also empirically evaluated the reflection and professional development as demonstrated in digital teaching portfolios with multiple supporting measures. Forty-four in-service substitute teachers participated in a course of classroom assessment and used a Web-based portfolio system. Based on the framework of teacher reflective thinking developed by Sparks-Langer et al., we found that most teachers demonstrated moderate levels of reflection in their journals but only one-third of them showed the highest level of reflection. We also found that the professional knowledge of teachers about classroom assessment – as shown by their implementation of it – improved significantly during the construction of portfolios. The above findings also represent good evidence that digital portfolios with multiple aids are beneficial to teacher reflection and professional development.Item 以認知神經科學取向探討兒童注意力的發展和學習之關聯(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 2011-03-??) 林宜親; 李冠慧; 宋玟欣; 柯華葳; 曾志朗; 洪蘭; 阮啟弘; Yi-Chin Lin; Kuan-Hui Li; Wen-Shin Sung; Hwa-Wei Ko; Ovid JLTzeng; Daisy LHung; Chi-Hung Juan過去十年以來,在發展心理學與認知神經科學的領域,兒童的注意力及執行功能發展的研究已成為重要議題,從許多腦造影及認知神經科學之研究,提供了此領域新的發現及觀點,這些新的發現也促進了教育心理學與認知神經科學之整合。因此教師、教育心理學家、以及認知神經科學家之間的互動及溝通,對於推動此整合性的新興領域之發展及其可能之應用是絕對必要的。台灣在這一方面的研究尚未完備,在本回顧性的論文當中,將介紹現今對於兒童注意力研究之進展,以及未來之發展趨勢。期望有助於增進台灣不同領域研究者之間的交流並激發出新的研究想法。