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本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


Search Results

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    (2008) 莊宗翰; Tsung-han Chuang
    本研究提出一個適性化的螢幕鍵盤設定的評估流程,讓使用者經過流程的評估後得到適用的螢幕鍵盤設定。這些設定包括了:螢幕鍵盤的輸入模式、螢幕鍵盤大小、按鍵大小、按鍵間距。 本研究有一位重度肢體障礙的腦性麻痺個案參與,透過本研究提出的評估流程而得的螢幕鍵盤設定,可以提升個案的輸入正確率。 本研究提出的評估流程,具有相關的流程設定,相當地有彈性,讓使用者可以在評估時精確度與時效兼顧。 本研究中實作出的評估軟體系統可以實際產生量化的評估記錄,給與使用者與協助者如家人、治療師或相關的專家,在選擇螢幕鍵盤時有所依據。
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    (2006) 陳素瑩
    本研究的目的在於設計出替代螢幕鍵盤與常用字預測功能並且探討這兩項介入對重度肢體障礙者在中文輸入上的成效。研究者選取八十七年常用語詞調查報告中的640個字,將這640個字各自拆解出嘸蝦米字根並分析每個嘸蝦米字根的出現率,根據出現率重新排列標準螢幕鍵盤版面,使其成為6列*7行的替代螢幕鍵盤。 接下來,研究者同樣利用這640個字當作常用字預測資料庫,實作出常用字預測功能。讓使用者可以在輸入每個中文字的前兩個嘸蝦米字根後,自動產生常用字列表供使用者選取。 替代螢幕鍵盤與常用字預測功能設計完成之後,研究者利用實驗來探討此兩項介入對重度肢體障礙者在中文輸入上的成效。實驗採單一受試者交替處理,實驗對象為二位脊髓損傷患者與一位手部變形,喪失手指的重度肢體障礙者。實驗結果顯示,替代螢幕鍵盤與加入常用字預測的標準螢幕鍵盤相對於標準螢幕鍵盤的確有較高的中文輸入成效。
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    Designing a scanning on-screen keyboard for people with severe motor disabilities
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008-01-01) Lin, Y. L.; Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.; Yeh, Y. M.; Wang, H. P.
    This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a scanning on-screen keyboard for persons with severe motor disabilities. In order to enhance the typing performance, the on-screen keyboard employs the group-row-column scanning and a frequency-of-use layout. Besides the international alphabetical layout, the on-screen keyboard also provides two Chinese selection layouts for Chinese users. The usability evaluation was carried out with simulations and experiments. The usability evaluation was conducted to compare the performance with that of the QWERTY layout of block scanning built in Microsoft Windows XP. The results demonstrated that the performance of using the scanning on-screen keyboard was better than that of using the Windows XP. No significant difference between the error rates of the two different keyboards was found.
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    Designing a scanning on-screen keyboard for people with severe motor disabilities
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008-01-01) Lin, Y. L.; Wu, T. F.; Chen, M. C.; Yeh, Y. M.; Wang, H. P.
    This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a scanning on-screen keyboard for persons with severe motor disabilities. In order to enhance the typing performance, the on-screen keyboard employs the group-row-column scanning and a frequency-of-use layout. Besides the international alphabetical layout, the on-screen keyboard also provides two Chinese selection layouts for Chinese users. The usability evaluation was carried out with simulations and experiments. The usability evaluation was conducted to compare the performance with that of the QWERTY layout of block scanning built in Microsoft Windows XP. The results demonstrated that the performance of using the scanning on-screen keyboard was better than that of using the Windows XP. No significant difference between the error rates of the two different keyboards was found.
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    Assisting an adolescent with cerebral palsy to entry text by using the chorded keyboard
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008-01-01) Lin, Y. L.; Chen, M. C.; Yeh, C. C.; Yeh, Y. M.; Wang, H. P.
    For people with severe motor disabilities, the utilization of a standard keyboard has been a challenge because of their motor limitations. This study aimed to design a chorded on-screen keyboard with a customized alternative input device to meet the needs of a client with cerebral palsy. A bilingual on-screen keyboard with Chinese and English input methods was designed especially for Chinese users. The intervention study revealed that the chorded on-screen keyboard with a customized alternative input device could significantly improve the text entry performance of the user and could efficiently be his communication tool. A deeper understanding on computer access through text entry was explored and better text entry training solutions were recommended for future researches.
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    A flexible on-screen keyboard: Dynamically adaptive for individuals' needs.
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007-01-01) Lin, Y. L.; Chen, M. C.; Wu, Y. P.; Yeh, Y. M.; Wang, H. P.
    This study was to design an alternative on-screen keyboard and evaluate the efficacy of this innovative layout design for people with severe physical disability. The matrix keyboard layouts was designed based on human computer interaction. A repeated experiment was performed to compare the speed and accuracy of text entry with point-and-click input method between the matrix on-screen keyboard and the Windows XP QWERTY virtual keyboard. Data analysis revealed that the matrix on-screen keyboard provided better performance for the participant. The result also indicates that layout adaptation assessment is a valid tool to confirm proper layout size for users and that alphabetic order is better than QWERTY order for a novice user to learn a new on-screen keyboard. A usability study was undertaken to evaluation the performance of the double click instead of the point-and-click plus Shift key input method. The possible causes of the results and suggestions for further studies are discussed.