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Item 從事太極拳運動對老年人下階梯著地動作之影響(2011/08-2012/07) 黃長福背景:藉由主動從事太極拳運動減緩老化所造成的運動能力退化,期望能提升運動能力、減少下階梯時可能跌倒的風險與衝擊力。目的:本研究主要透過運動生物力學分析,探討參與太極拳運動老年人在功能性動作控制上的效益。方法:規律從事太極拳運動老年人15位為研究對象,與先前計畫之無運動組老年人14位進行比較。以Vicon攝影機、兩塊測力板與Noraxon無線肌電同步收集下階梯著地與著地後前行的運動學、動力學與肌電參數進行分析探討,並以Biodex量測膝關節與踝關節之等速肌力。結果:太極拳組下階梯時有較快速度,著地時有較大跨步長、水平地面反作用力與μr FS。前導腳除了矢狀面踝關節力矩外,在矢狀面的關節活動度、關節力矩與無運動組沒有差異;太極拳組在著地時的衝擊力與負荷率較小,且踝關節有較多緩衝的趨勢。在著地後前行動作上,太極拳組有較大推進力、步長;在支撐腳上,太極拳組有較大矢狀面髖、踝關節活動度與關節力矩,且髖關節在額狀面提供更多的緩衝。太極拳組膝(伸展/屈曲)、踝關節(蹠屈/背屈)等速肌力為149.8%、85.0%、64.7%、32.4% (TQ/BW)。結論:太極拳這項運動對於老年人在下階梯著地與著地後前行的動作上,無論是減緩衝擊、或是在前行的動作轉換上,皆有良好之效果。Item Kinetic differences in lower extremity between baseball pitching from pitcher's mound and flat-ground(2014-07-16) 黃長福; Po-Chieh Chen; Chen-Fu Huang; Chun-Lung Lin; Bo-Jen KoThe purpose of this study was to investigate the kinetic differences in lower extremity between pitching from a mound and flat-ground. A motion capture system and two force plates were used simultaneously to collect the dynamic data of 8 baseball male pitchers. The results revealed that pitching from the mound generated higher propulsive force at the trailing leg as well as greater braking force and vertical ground reaction force at the lead leg (p< .05). The trailing leg in the mound condition generated greater knee posterior joint force while the lead leg had greater axial joint force at ankle and knee, as well as greater extension moment at ankle, knee and hip (p< .05). It was concluded that pitching from the mound generated higher ground reaction force, which resulted in higher joint forces and moments and thus might increase stresses at lower extremity.Item Sagittal and frontal lower limbs kinetics during stepping down in Taichi elderly(2011-07-01) 黃長福; Tzu-Hsiang Yang; Chen-Fu Huang; Jung-Chun ChiThe aim was to compare the kinetic characteristics of the beginning stance phase during stepping down in Taichi and normal elderly. Nine elderly taichi subjects and eleven matched controls participated in the study. Whole body kinematics and ground reaction forces (GRF) were recorded using 10 Vicon cameras (250Hz) and two Kistler force plates (1000Hz). Sagittal and frontal kinetic parameters were calculated by using Visual3D software. Differences in variables between groups were tested using t-test. The results indicated hip extensor / knee flexor / ankle plantarflexor / support moment and peak hip/knee/ankle power were greater in Taichi group. It was concluded that Taichi group has ability to translate forward movement (hip moment / power), to control body (knee moment /power) and to absorption energy (ankle moment / power) in sagittal plane.