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本研究旨在捕捉《啟蒙的辯證法》一書中,阿多諾和霍克海默批判啟蒙的方式,它包含三個層次:思考課題、思考模態和思考策略。本文以此觀察重點,透過三個章節,對《啟蒙的辯證法》中三篇文章進行考察。〈啟蒙失效〉對應的是〈啟蒙的概念〉(Begriff der Aufklärung)一章,筆者用六個議題論證「啟蒙批判」是阿多諾和霍克海默的主要課題,進而發現兩位作者在書寫上採取相對於體系化的方式,和他們批評啟蒙創造了一個被概念控制的世界有關;〈主體失敗〉探討了〈附論一:奧德修斯,或神話與啟蒙〉(Exkurs I: Odysseus oder Mythos und Aufklärung)中,阿多諾和霍克海默把奧德修斯當作主體的原型,從主體的經驗指出文明過程的野蠻。從而發現他們另一種批判啟蒙的視角和方式;〈啟蒙的文化後果〉是針對〈文化工業:作為群眾欺騙的啟蒙〉(Kulturindustrie: Aufklärung als Massenbetrug)的分析,文本顯示他們藉助文化工業,延續對啟蒙宰制力量的批評。在論述方面,則透過並置兩種意義,使它們相互否定、相互確證,維持批判性。這種方式在前兩篇文章是透過神話和啟蒙,這邊則透過藝術作品和文化工業。經研究發現,阿多諾和霍克海默批判啟蒙就是從「內容」和「型態」兩個方面發動攻擊的,也就是一邊在內容上回溯整個哲學史的發展,一一指出其中的非理性;一邊在書寫型態上直接瓦解過去文化知識的同一體系。
This study aims to capture the way Adorno and Horkheimer critiqued enlightenment in Dialektik der Aufklärung, which contains three dimensions: subject matters of thinking, modes of thinking, and strategies of thinking. This thesis examines these core issues, and the results are presented in the following three chapters.“Invalid Enlightenment” in this thesis corresponds to the chapter “Begriff der Aufklärung” of Dialektik der Aufklärung. It argues through six issues that critiques of enlightenment is Adorno and Horkheimer’s main subject, and finds that the relatively systematic approach taken by the two authors in their writing is to avoid being controlled by concepts. “Invalid Subject” examines “Exkurs I. Odysseus oder Mythos und Aufklärung”, in which Adorno and Horkheimer regarded Odysseus as the prototype of the subject and pointed out the barbarism of the civilizational process from the experience of the subject. From this, another perspective of their critiques of enlightenment is found. “The Cultural Consequences of the Enlightenment” is an analysis of “Kulturindustrie: Aufklärung als Massenbetrug”, in which they criticized the dominating power of enlightenment from the point of culture industry. In the discourse, they juxtaposed two meanings and gave a critique by making them negate or confirm with each other, e.g., myth and enlightenment in the previous chapter and here, artwork and culture industry.It is found in this study that Adorno and Horkheimer criticized enlightenment by attacking it from both the “content” and the “form”. On the one hand, they traced the development of the whole history of philosophy in terms of content and pointed out the irrationality in it; on the other hand, they directly destroyed the identity system of culture and knowledge in the past in terms of writing form.
This study aims to capture the way Adorno and Horkheimer critiqued enlightenment in Dialektik der Aufklärung, which contains three dimensions: subject matters of thinking, modes of thinking, and strategies of thinking. This thesis examines these core issues, and the results are presented in the following three chapters.“Invalid Enlightenment” in this thesis corresponds to the chapter “Begriff der Aufklärung” of Dialektik der Aufklärung. It argues through six issues that critiques of enlightenment is Adorno and Horkheimer’s main subject, and finds that the relatively systematic approach taken by the two authors in their writing is to avoid being controlled by concepts. “Invalid Subject” examines “Exkurs I. Odysseus oder Mythos und Aufklärung”, in which Adorno and Horkheimer regarded Odysseus as the prototype of the subject and pointed out the barbarism of the civilizational process from the experience of the subject. From this, another perspective of their critiques of enlightenment is found. “The Cultural Consequences of the Enlightenment” is an analysis of “Kulturindustrie: Aufklärung als Massenbetrug”, in which they criticized the dominating power of enlightenment from the point of culture industry. In the discourse, they juxtaposed two meanings and gave a critique by making them negate or confirm with each other, e.g., myth and enlightenment in the previous chapter and here, artwork and culture industry.It is found in this study that Adorno and Horkheimer criticized enlightenment by attacking it from both the “content” and the “form”. On the one hand, they traced the development of the whole history of philosophy in terms of content and pointed out the irrationality in it; on the other hand, they directly destroyed the identity system of culture and knowledge in the past in terms of writing form.
阿多諾和霍克海默, 啟蒙的辯證法, 啟蒙, 主體, 文化工業, Adorno and Horkheimer, Dialectic of Enlightenment, Enlightenment, Subject, Culture Industry