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本研究旨在探討高中「公民與社會」科教師人權教育教學理念、教學實踐,以及其在校園推動人權教育所面臨的挑戰。為達研究目的,本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法,研究對象為六位高中「公民與社會」科教師。希望透過研究對象的觀點來瞭解現行高中校園人權教育的實踐與困境,以及其所採取的因應措施。值得注意的是,最後接受訪談的六位教師均認同人權教育,具部分同質性。 根據上述研究目的,本研究結果發現如下: 一、研究對象均認同人權教育的重要性,且認為人權教育在高中階段應著重於促進學生了解權利與義務的概念,進而懂得尊重他人。 二、在教學上,研究對象進行人權教育的教學方法雖然多元,但受限於課程內容繁雜、教學時數不夠、教師專業知能不足、學校地理位置與經費不足等問題,大部分的研究對象基本上還是以講述教學法為主。相比之下,對於人權教育較有獨特見解之教師,則傾向採用更為多元的教學方式。 三、在特定議題上,研究對象在面對性別、死刑存廢、原住民、轉型正義、校園人權等議題時,均曾產生教學困境。 四、研究對象認為除正式課程之外,其他非正式課程、潛在課程亦是實踐人權教育重要的一環。 五、在面對的挑戰方面,研究對象提及處理學生事務、面對同仁壓力,及因應身處人權思維不夠周延的校園環境等是推動人權教育上的挑戰。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以作為教育行政單位、師資培育單位、學校與高中教師在行政、教學、輔導時之參考。
This thesis aims to discuss the issues of teaching philosophies, practices on human rights education and the challenges when promoting human rights education in campus for civics and society teachers in high school. To reach thesis purpose, the thesis interviewed six civics and society teachers teaching in high schools as research objectives based on qualitative research depth interviews. From the point of view of these research objectives, we are looking forward to understand the problems and solutions for civic and society teachers promoting human rights education. According to the researching purpose above, the results are listed as below: I.All the research objectives agree with the importance of human rights education which should be promoted and taught in high school for students to better understand the concepts of rights and duties for respecting others. II.On the teaching part, although the research objectives’ teaching styles are diverse, depending on the limit of disunited course contents, lack of teaching time, and the short of professional knowledge for the teachers, the place for teaching and the insufficient of budget, teachers basically would tend to lecture students. Comparing to the teachers above, teachers who have unique opinions toward human rights education would tend to teach in diverse ways. III.On specific issues, research objectives are facing teaching problems when dealing with the topics of gender, death penalty, original tribes, transitional justice and human rights in campus. IV.Research objectives considered that except for official courses, other unofficial courses and potential courses are also an important link for human rights education. V.Researching objectives mentioned that it is a big challenge to promote human rights education when managing students’ affairs, pressure from colleagues and staying in the campus which is thoughtless for human right. Last, making specific recommendations based on the researching results to serve as the reference for the educational authorities, teacher training institutions, schools and high school teachers for administrative, teaching, and counselling.



「公民與社會」科教師, 人權教育, Civics and society teacher, Human rights education





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