
dc.contributorChen-Hsing Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorChia-An Tsengen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討於中華民國成立之初在華出生、成長,且日後專業選擇和發展,乃與當時建國背景有密切相關的現代歐美華人知識分子:范歲久(1912-2003)、李景均(1912-2003)與林同棪(1912-2003)等三人,他們的生平歷程、專業理念及精神展現,尤其關切他們如何利用己身所擁有的中西雙方知識經驗來回應時代變局。 本研究對於前述三位人物的分析結果如下: 一、成為知識分子的背景:在生長地區方面,他們皆是生長於中國東部沿海地區的大城市裡,因此較西部內陸地區的人士易於接觸到外來文明;在家長學歷方面,相較於當時中國仍有大量文盲的情況下,他們的父親都是擁有中學以上學歷的知識精英;在家長職業和經濟收入方面,他們的父親皆是屬於社會裡的中上階層;在自身學歷方面,他們的最高學歷都優於自己的父親,此與他們父親的學識程度、職業收入和對孩子的期待應不無關係;在專業選擇之理由方面,他們是在當時社會氛圍的需求和機會、父親的期望和勸說,以及個人能力和興趣之間相互權衡下的結果。 二、於歐美長期發展的因素:在動盪不安的時局裡,他們渴望能夠求取一處讓自己安身立命的地方。於歐美長期發展的優點是他們的人身安全、言論及學術自由等可以受到基本保障,也因此能夠掌握到最新的科技研究趨勢;而缺點則是會付出可能與父母雙親天人永隔、與家鄉親友慢慢疏離的代價,以及要面對不同語言和文化的挑戰。 三、在專業領域裡的思維言行特色:在運用中西知識經驗方面,他們都沒有採取遺忘或丟失華人民族文化的心態,反倒是大方地向西方人士表明自己的華人生長背景,並致力於介紹中西異同之處,更有甚者是運用兩者達至互補或加乘的效果。 總括而言,范歲久、李景均與林同棪等三位現代歐美華人知識分子,他們在歷史轉折的場景和生命變遷的際遇中,就像是居處在時空位置的高點,運用本身文化視野的廣度和專業知識的深度來貫通古今為民族文化繼往開來,尚且還跨越時空融通中西文化來講解異同以促進交流和降低誤解,甚至不再將自己侷限於自清末延續至民初時期學者們所談論孰體孰用的模式,而是根據自己的專業領域和想法來擇取雙方之特長加以媒合,並進一步再創人文的新意與價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the life processes and the spiritual concept in professional lives of the Chinese intellectuals: Sai-Chiu Van (1912-2003), Ching-Chun Li (1912-2003), and Tung-Yen Lin (1912-2003). These were individuals who were born into a life consisting of a profession of high demand during the early modern period of China. Given this opportunity since birth, they went abroad to western advanced countries to develop their own profession. Moreover, this study particularly focuses on how they utilized their Chinese and Western knowledge and experiences to influence their era. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The background of being intellectuals: In terms of the region they were reared in, they all were raised in China's eastern coastal areas or large cities, which gave them greater opportunity to associate with individuals of foreign civilizations than the people dwelling in the western inland area; in terms of parental education, although illiteracy was rampant in China during their time, their fathers acquired at least a secondary education and most belonged to the class of the intellectual elites; in terms of parental occupation and income, their fathers belonged to the upper middle class; in terms of their own education, these individuals received a higher level education than their fathers, the reason being their fathers’educational backgrounds, career earnings, and expectations of the children were exceptionally high; in terms of their choices of university majors and careers, they made their decisions based on the needs and opportunities of their respective society, the expectations and persuasion of their fathers, and their personal abilities and interests. 2. The factors of developing their own profession in western advanced countries: In the turbulent political situations, their first consideration was to find a safe place, and then further develop their own profession and career. The advantages of staying in western advanced countries were that they received personal safety, freedom of speech and academic research, and obtained the latest trends in science and technology; however, the disadvantages were that they were probably separated from their parents and close friends until death, and faced the challenges of distinct languages and cultures. 3. Their words and deeds in the professional field: In terms of the usage of their Chinese and Western background, they were generous to show off their Chinese upbringing experience and did not forget their Chinese national culture. In addition to introducing the similarities and differences between both cultures, even more is mixing them to lead to a complementary or synergistic effect. Overall, modern Chinese European and Chinese American Intellectuals: Sai-Chiu Van, Ching-Chun Li, and Tung-Yen Li faced a huge historical transformation and a great personal geographical movement, stood at a high spatial and temporal position, and further took advantage of the breadth of their cultural horizons and depth of their professional knowledge, not only for following the past and heralding the future of national culture, but also for crossing time and space to explain what are the similarities and differences between Chinese culture and Western culture in order to facilitate communication and reduce misunderstanding. They were no longer limited to a concept of “Chinese essence, Western utility,” but applied and matched the good points of two cultures based on their professions and ideas, and furthermore, created different meanings and cultural values.en_US
dc.subjectModern Chinese European and Chinese Americanen_US
dc.subjectSai-Chiu Vanen_US
dc.subjectChing-Chun Lien_US
dc.subjectTung-Yen Linen_US
dc.titleThe Modern Chinese European and Chinese American Intellectuals: The Cases of Sai-Chiu Van, Ching-Chun Li, and Tung-Yen Linen_US


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