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在動作學習的過程中,練習與回饋是兩個重要的變項,其中回饋的功能是在練習時能降低動作的不確定性來促進學習。但運動項目眾多,不同的運動項目或單項技術,皆可能產生不同的回饋效果,因此,我們需要針對不同運動項目提出較有效的回饋方式,藉此提升技能學習成效。近年來由於3C產品快速進步,取得方便且容易,影像的運用提供技術性以及動作性知識快速又有效的傳達方式,讓學習者較可以理解抽象難以表達的動作,因此本研究欲瞭解排球技術中,攻擊時宜是否會因不同刺激來源(視覺和聽覺)影響表現或學習?過去研究都顯示視覺刺激較為有效的情況下,運用改變訊息的質(將影像速度放慢)或量(不同角度影像)的方式更能促進學習。實驗招募國小五、六年級排球選手,隨機分派至正常速度影像組、慢速度影像組、多角度影像組以及非影像組,每組8人。進行連續4天的獲得期,第5天則進行無回饋保留測驗。利用 Sliconcoach Pro8 軟體分析影片,分別以4 (組別)4 (天數)及4 (組別)2 (測驗)進行混合設計二因子變異數分析,探討各組不同視覺回饋介入後攻擊啟動時宜及扣球時宜的表現與學習效果的差異。結論為:不同視覺回饋方式對國小排球選手助跑啟動時宜的表現與學習上並沒有產生影響;慢速度影像以及多角度影像回饋,是有助於扣球時宜之學習;提供慢速度或多角度的回饋影像,比非影像回饋更能增進排球扣球時宜之學習,而非影像回饋的學習效果又比正常速度影像來的好。
Practice and feedback are two important variables in the process of motor learning, of which the feedback function can facilitate learning by reducing the uncertainty of action in motor learning. Nevertheless, different sports or skill might result in diverse feedback effects. As a consequence, more effective feedback methods which are based on different sport items must be used to improve the efficiency of skill learning. Recently, due to the rapid advancement and 3C products, the application of videos, as to both technical and action knowledge, has provided prompt and effective conveying methods for learners to comprehend abstract and indefinable actions better. This study attempted to investigate whether performance or leaning of spiking timing in volleyball skill would be influenced by different sources of message (visual or auditory). Previous studies all indicated that the change of quality (slow-motion video) or quantity (videos from multi-angle) of information would further facilitate learning based on relative effective visual stimulation. The experiment recruited volleyball players from 5th and 6th grades in elementary schools. Eight participants were randomly assigned to normal video group, slow-motion video group, multi-angle video group and non-video group. They experienced continuous 4 days of acquisition and then took part in the test without feedback retention in the 5th day. Videos were analyzed in virtue of Sliconcoach Pro8 software. By using 4 (group) 4 (days) and 4 (group)2 (tests) mixed design two-way ANOVA, the data were analyzed to examine motor performance and learning of spike approach timing and hitting timing with different visual feedbacks. The results showed that different visual feedback methods do not exert influences on elementary school volleyball players’ performance and learning of approach timing; feedback of videos with slow-motion and multi-angle is conducive to the learning of hitting timing; the feedback from the group of videos with slow-motion and multi-angle will more effectively facilitate the learning of volleyball hitting timing than the feedback from the non-video group, while the learning effects of non-video feedback are better than those of videos with normal speed.



回饋, 排球攻擊, 啟動時宜, 動作學習, feedback, volleyball attack, approach timing, motor learning





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