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Department of Chinese, NTNU


江戶時代初期朱子學者山崎闇齋彙集朱子學排佛之論的著作《闢異》,引起同時代佛門中人隱溪智脫的《儒佛合論》的全面反擊,本文旨在分析與比較上述二人著作的儒佛之辨,以及二者之辨所引起後續的餘波爭辯,以窺其思想史的意義。本文第二節首先分析山崎闇齋《闢異》的內容,接著在第三節分析隱溪智脫的《儒佛合論》對《闢異》的逐一反擊。在《闢異》與《儒佛合論》的論辯之後,仍然餘波盪漾,本文第四節透過1707 年由森尚謙(不染居士)所撰之《護法資治論》十大卷中的儒佛之論,分析其「引儒證釋,依釋明儒」之會通方法。透過上述的儒佛論辨,讓我們看到一項事實,即過往儒學僅依附在禪僧或佛寺中的學問,已足堪與佛氏鼎足而立的時代已經來臨。
During the early Edo period, the work Heresies Refuted (Heikii,《闢異》)published by Yamazaki Ansai(山崎闇齋), a Zhu, Xi scholar, collected all Zhu, Xi's anti-Buddhist theories. Against this, one of Ansai's contemporaries, a monk named Inkei Chidatsu(隱溪智脫), began an thorough defense with his A Synthesis of Confucianism and Buddhism(《儒佛合論》). This paper is meant to analyze and compare the controversy surrounding Confucianism and Buddhism as expressed in the two scholars' works and the ensuing controversies it provoked, hence, an insight into the significance of the controversy in the history of thought. The second section of this paper analyzes the content of Heresies Refuted . And then the third section treats the defense of A Synthesis of Confucianism and Buddhism against Heresies Refuted, one by one. After the controversy between the two works, various controversies still remained to be seen. Through the chapters on the relationship between Confucianism and Buddhism in Aid for Defending Buddhism (《護法資治論》)by Mori Shoken(森尚謙) in 1707, the fourth section expounds the Shoken's comprehensive method, that is, "to prove Buddhism with Confucianism, to illustrate Confucianism with Buddhism". Thanks to the afore-mentioned Confucian-Buddhist controversy, we are able to see the very fact that the time had come for Confucianism to stand on an equal footing with Buddhism even though it had previously been appending to Zen monks or Buddhist temples as a learning. Consequently, the Confucian-Buddhist controversy between the Ansai School and the Buddhist monk-scholars not only means something influential in the history of Edo thought, but should occupy a significant place in the history of East Asian Confucian-Buddhist controversy.







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