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本研究主要採調查研究法,以台北市40 所公立小學,182 位五年級與六年級的國小資源班高年級學童為研究樣本,目的在探討台北市國小資源班高年級學童生涯覺察及其相關因素的影響。 本研究使用自編的「國小兒童生涯覺察量表」為研究工具,藉以蒐集受試者的基本資料;並採用描述統計、效果值、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料的分析。本研究之主要發現如下: ㄧ、台北市國小資源班高年級學生的整體生涯覺察表現屬中等偏高,但主要是受到高度好奇心的影響,在了解工作內容和了解自我以及與工作世界的關係上表現則趨於普通。 二、台北市國小資源班高年級學生對於工作世界都保有高度的好奇心。 三、台北市國小資源班高年級學生在認識工作的內容和了解自我能力以及與工作世界的關係上表現趨於普通。 四、性別與了解自我能力以及與工作世界的關係有微弱的關聯。 五、年級與對工作世界的好奇心有中等程度的關聯,對於整體生涯覺察也有低等程度的關聯。 六、家長職業類別(occupation)、主要照顧者教育程度(educational level)及主要照顧者教養方式(parenting style)對於整體生涯覺察有低等程度的關聯。 關鍵字:身心障礙(disability)、生涯覺察(career awareness)、國小學生、資源班(resource room)、生涯(career)
Abstract A survey was administered in this study. One hundred and eighty-two higher-grade (including 5-grade and 6-grade) students were sampled from resource rooms in 40 public elementary schools. The purpose was to discuss the current condition of career awareness and the effect of its relative factors. A self edited “Career awareness scale for elementary school students” was used to collect the basic data. Descriptive statistics, t test, effect size, one-way analysis of variance were calculated for data analysis. The main findings of the study were: (1) The global career awareness performance of higher-grade students in resource room is moderate to high, but was mainly affected by higher curiosity. (2) The higher-grade students in resource room had highly curiosity to occupational world. (3) The performance of understanding to occupational contents, self understanding, and occupational world tended to ordinary in the higher-grade students in resource room. (4) Slight relations were found in gender and self understanding and occupational world. (5) Grade had moderate relation to curiosity for occupational world and lower relation to global career awareness. (6) Parents’ occupation, educational level of major care giver, and major parenting style had lower relation to global career awareness. Keywords: disability, career awareness, resource room, career



身心障礙, 生涯覺察, 國小學生, 資源班, 生涯, disability, career awareness, resource room, career, elementary school student





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