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快速進步的科技發展,依舊無法照顧到人們內心裡巨大且荒涼的孤獨感。本創作中,主角是創作者的化身,以夢境表達現代人內心深處巨大的孤獨感與焦慮。弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)在《夢的解析》中提出人類的心理活動分為意識(conscious)與無意識(unconscious)。其中,弗洛伊德認為無意識主要的特徵是「非理性、無道德性、反社會性、無時間性、不可知性」。而透過夢可以把無意識的本能與抑制的慾望顯示出來。 本論文對相關動畫做整理研究,透過語意分析與質性訪談分析相關動畫作品。創作方面以可愛的造型搭配詭異的場景氛圍,形成強烈對比,期以發展出獨特的黑色風格。創作作品完成後,針對26受測者進行質性訪談調查。質性訪談採用開放式問題,即沒有預設答案的問題。詳細統計調查之結果,綜合不同觀點以探討本創作。並透過分析結果進行三級編碼,檢視作品優缺點,真正了解作品的細節。 本創作透過夢的主題,企圖解放創作者的無意識,以夢境中動態的動作與立體的圖像來表達現代人刻意掩飾的真實情緒:因為不安的焦躁粗魯、因為憤怒的爆裂猙獰、因為慾望的坐立難安。一些隱藏在文明教養下的不雅姿態、不端思緒及被壓抑的情慾。透過創作捕捉文明巧妝下的偽善、潛入表面下窺探。
Rapid progress in science and technology development, is still unable to take care of people with great hearts and desolate loneliness. The creation, the protagonist is the incarnation of the creator, to dream the hearts of modern people to express a huge sense of loneliness and anxiety. Sigmund Freud in the "Dreams" made by human activities into the awareness of the psychological conscious and unconscious. Of these, Freud believes that the main characteristics of the unconscious is "irrational, non-moral, anti-social, non-timing-agnostic nature of." Dreams can be through unconscious instinct and the desire to suppress them. In this paper, collate the relevant animation to do research, through the semantic analysis and qualitative analysis of interviews related to animation works. Creation of form with a lovely scene strange atmosphere, forming a strong contrast, a view to develop a unique style of black. Works after the completion of 26 subjects for a qualitative interview survey carried out. Qualitative interviews with open-ended questions, that is, there is no default answer. Details of the results of the survey, a comprehensive point of view to explore the different creative. Analysis of the results through the conduct of the three codes, view the works of the advantages and disadvantages, to truly understand the details of the work. The theme of creation through the dream of an attempt to liberate the artist's unconscious, to dream of movement and dynamic three-dimensional images to express people deliberately conceal the true emotion: anxiety as rude disturbing, because the burst of anger ferocious, because the desire of sit and fail to achieve. Some hide under the education in a civilized indecent posture, improper thoughts and desires have been suppressed. Clever capture of civilization through the creation of hypocrisy makeup, get a glimpse into the surface.



無意識, 動畫, unconscious, animation





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