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本研究結論共12項:1.讀者造訪目的多為瀏覽及借、還書籍,造訪時段一般於晚間6時後,並以造訪頻率低者佔多數;2.樹林火車站整體利用狀況最佳,鶯歌火車站最不理想;3.讀者借閱書籍主題偏好為兒童書籍、語言文學類及應用科學類;4.讀者對於服務品質各構面期待程度及實際感受均達滿意,有形性構面之實際感受值及期待程度值皆為各構面最高;5.讀者對於服務品質各構面實際感受皆未達期待程度標準,關懷性構面服務缺口最大;6.服務品質重要表現程度分析結果可得有形性構面、確實性構面、反應性構面為需繼續保持構面;保證性構面、關懷性構面為為低優先順序構面;7.讀者以女性及都會返家途經通勤族群為主;8. 讀者居住地多臨近該服務設置地點,且多數為自行發現;9.不同背景讀者之服務品質感受整體不具顯著差異;10.讀者對於文學、休閒類讀物及童書需求較大,資料類型偏好工具書、有聲書及漫畫,並重視館藏新穎度、更新頻率及數量多寡;11.逾半數讀者希冀該服務能增加閱讀桌椅及提供各類型藝文資訊;12.多數讀者有成年家人也閱讀借回書籍。
Mobile libraries are vehicles or other means of transport loaded with book stacks and library staff. Due to the mobility, they serve on specific dates as library branches in communities lack of collection resource. While most domestic mobile libraries are serving residents of remote areas, New Taipei City Library, in order to serve the commuters and expand target user groups, has been dispatching van-type mobile libraries to MRT stations, train stations and other public transportation terminals since 2012, providing citizens with library services such as library card application and lending service while they commute or travel by public transportation. In order to understand the service quality, advantages and disadvantages of mobile libraries at public transportation terminals in New Taipei City and to target customer groups, the study analyzed the mobile library utilization statistics in the Library Automation System and investigated readers' habits, service quality, readers' needs and personal information by literature review, on-site observation and questionnaire compilation. Among the four aspects, the service quality scale was modified from the ServQUAL scale, measuring actual experience scores and expectation scores. The study concluded 12 points as follows: 1) the readers visit mostly for browsing, borrowing and returning books, usually after 6 p.m., and the majority of visitors are of low visiting frequency; 2) Shulin Train Station shows the best overall utilization while Yingge Train Station shows the worst; 3) the readers' preferences for book topics are children's books, language and literature, and applied sciences; 4) the readers express fair satisfaction on both expectation and actual experience of all service quality facets, while the Tangibles facet has the highest scores in both expectation and actual experience; 5) the readers express less satisfaction on actual experiences than expected standard in respect of all service quality facets, while the Empathy facet shows least customer satisfaction; 6) the IPA analysis for service quality reveals that the Tangibles, Reliability and Responsiveness are necessary facets, while Assurance and Empathy are low priority ones; 7) readers comprise mostly of females and urban commuters on the way home; 8) readers reside mostly near the service locations, which are noticed autonomously; 9) generally, readers of different backgrounds show insignificant difference in service quality experiences; 10) readers show larger needs in literature, leisure and children's books, preferences for reference works, audio books and comics, and more attention on novelty of collection resources, update frequency and quantity; 11) more than 50% of the readers expect additional reading tables and chairs, and the provision of various types of art and cultural information; and 12) most readers' adult family members also read the borrowed books. Based on the research results, the study proposed 10 suggestions as follows: 1) service frequency and locations shall be adjusted to increase the usability; 2) service hours shall be adjusted to meet the needs of readers; 3) the selection of collection resources shall be more suitable for readers and their families; 4) more attention is required on the replacement frequency and novelty degree of collection resources; 5) improvements on book display shall be made; 6) more flexible Library Rules and Regulations are needed to meet the habits of users; 7) visual attractiveness and parking locations shall be improved; 8) service personnel shall be more active and proactive in promoting the service; 9) enhanced lighting and additional reading tables and chairs are needed; and 10) regular service quality assessments and business statistics analysis are required.
Mobile libraries are vehicles or other means of transport loaded with book stacks and library staff. Due to the mobility, they serve on specific dates as library branches in communities lack of collection resource. While most domestic mobile libraries are serving residents of remote areas, New Taipei City Library, in order to serve the commuters and expand target user groups, has been dispatching van-type mobile libraries to MRT stations, train stations and other public transportation terminals since 2012, providing citizens with library services such as library card application and lending service while they commute or travel by public transportation. In order to understand the service quality, advantages and disadvantages of mobile libraries at public transportation terminals in New Taipei City and to target customer groups, the study analyzed the mobile library utilization statistics in the Library Automation System and investigated readers' habits, service quality, readers' needs and personal information by literature review, on-site observation and questionnaire compilation. Among the four aspects, the service quality scale was modified from the ServQUAL scale, measuring actual experience scores and expectation scores. The study concluded 12 points as follows: 1) the readers visit mostly for browsing, borrowing and returning books, usually after 6 p.m., and the majority of visitors are of low visiting frequency; 2) Shulin Train Station shows the best overall utilization while Yingge Train Station shows the worst; 3) the readers' preferences for book topics are children's books, language and literature, and applied sciences; 4) the readers express fair satisfaction on both expectation and actual experience of all service quality facets, while the Tangibles facet has the highest scores in both expectation and actual experience; 5) the readers express less satisfaction on actual experiences than expected standard in respect of all service quality facets, while the Empathy facet shows least customer satisfaction; 6) the IPA analysis for service quality reveals that the Tangibles, Reliability and Responsiveness are necessary facets, while Assurance and Empathy are low priority ones; 7) readers comprise mostly of females and urban commuters on the way home; 8) readers reside mostly near the service locations, which are noticed autonomously; 9) generally, readers of different backgrounds show insignificant difference in service quality experiences; 10) readers show larger needs in literature, leisure and children's books, preferences for reference works, audio books and comics, and more attention on novelty of collection resources, update frequency and quantity; 11) more than 50% of the readers expect additional reading tables and chairs, and the provision of various types of art and cultural information; and 12) most readers' adult family members also read the borrowed books. Based on the research results, the study proposed 10 suggestions as follows: 1) service frequency and locations shall be adjusted to increase the usability; 2) service hours shall be adjusted to meet the needs of readers; 3) the selection of collection resources shall be more suitable for readers and their families; 4) more attention is required on the replacement frequency and novelty degree of collection resources; 5) improvements on book display shall be made; 6) more flexible Library Rules and Regulations are needed to meet the habits of users; 7) visual attractiveness and parking locations shall be improved; 8) service personnel shall be more active and proactive in promoting the service; 9) enhanced lighting and additional reading tables and chairs are needed; and 10) regular service quality assessments and business statistics analysis are required.
行動圖書館, 服務品質, ServQUAL, 公共運輸場站, 公共圖書館, Mobile Library, Service Quality, ServQUAL, Public Transportation Terminal, Public Library