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運動中的審美理由—以康德美學為徑路 摘要 本文以康德美學為徑路,探討運動中的審美理由。研究脈絡分兩個主要步驟,先探究審美理由的可能性條件,再探討審美理由對於運動的意義。本文認為,根據康德對於愉悅感的三分,理由也可分為三種,分別是慾望理由、道德理由以及審的理由。透過消解「審美」與「理由」兩個概念的矛盾,發現審美理由的可能性條件正是康德對於美感提出的四個環節—無私趣的愉悅感、主觀的普遍性、無目的的合目的性、主觀的必然性。另一方面,審美理由對於運動的意義,在於審美的意義。審美的意義不同於實用意義,意義不必建立在一個目的上,不會發生目的消失意義便消失的情況,因此是價值更高的意義。審美理由標示著運動中的純粹,本文希望透過對運動中審美理由的探討,喚醒運動員對於運動的熱情,感受運動帶來的美麗時刻。
Aesthetic reason of sport—by way of Kantian Aesthetics Abstract This study researches aesthetic reason of sport base on Kantian Aesthetics. The study has two steps; firstly, the study looks for the possible condition of aesthetic reason; secondly, the study researches into the meaning of aesthetic reason for sport. This study divides aesthetic reason into three types, reason of desire, moral reason and aesthetic reason, based on Kant’s division. Through dissolving the contradiction between “aesthetic” and “reason”, this study finds that the possible condition of aesthetic reason is the four moments of Kant’s Aesthetics—pleasure without any interest, subjective universality, purposiveness without any end and subjective necessity. On the other hand, the meaning of aesthetic reason for sport is aesthetic meaning. Aesthetic meaning different from pragmatic meaning, the existence of aesthetic meaning is not based on any purpose, that’s why the aesthetic meaning won’t disappear with the disappearance of the purpose; therefore, the aesthetic meaning has higher value than pragmatic meaning. Aesthetic reason shows the “pure” in sport, and this study expect that the research of aesthetic reason of sport could arouse the passion of athletics and make them enjoy the beautiful moment of sport.



運動, 審美, 理由, 美學, 康德, sport, aesthetic, reason, Aesthetics, Kant





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