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本研究對象為在臺灣就學的港澳大專學生,採用量化研究方法進行問卷調查,共回收367份問卷,有效樣本數共364份,有效率為99%。在臺就學適應共分為6個向度,分別為文化適應、學業適應、生活習慣、人際關係 (大學版)、人際關係 (新住民版) 與壓力因應。
四、參與較低強度運動的港澳學生在壓力因應上適應較良好,獨自參與運動的港澳學生在人際關係 (大學版)、壓力因應及整體上適應較差。參與程度愈高的港澳學生在人際關係 (大學版) 上適應較良好。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the situation of leisure sports participation and school adaptation in Taiwan of Hong Kong and Macau students. Another aim was to find out the differences between demographic variables of leisure sports participation and school adaptation in Taiwan, and the relationship between leisure sports participation and school adaptation in Taiwan. The subjects of this study are Hong Kong and Macau students who study at university in Taiwan. Quantitative method was applied. A total of 367 samples were received, with an effective sample size of 364, with an effective rate of 99%. There are six dimensions of School Adaptation in Taiwan which include Cultural Adaptation, Academic Adaptation, Living Habits, College Interpersonal Relationship, Overseas Interpersonal Relationship and Stress Response. The results of the study were that: 1. The current situation of Leisure Sports Participation shows that most of Hong Kong and Macau students like to play ball games, once or less per week, with 120 minutes or more each time, the intensity of sweating and panting, with Taiwanese peers, and NT $0 for the monthly spending on leisure sports. 2. The current situation of School Adaptation in Taiwan shows that there is no problem with the language adaptation of Hong Kong and Macau students, and the interpersonal relationship is also well adapted. The adaptation in terms of traffic and weather is poor. The main problem is academics. 3. Male students are more active in leisure sports than female students, Most of female students participate in leisure sports with their Taiwanese peers, followed by alone. younger, living with friends and living in school dormitories of Hong Kong and Macau students are more likely to participate in ball sports. Most of younger participating partners are also Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan peers, and most of elder students are alone participation. Students from the Service College and freshmen are more actively involved in leisure sports. The Cultural Adaptation of Hong Kong and Macau students aged 24 or above and in private schools is poor, while students enrolled in research institutes or above adapt well in their Living Habits. 4. Hong Kong and Macau students who participate in low-intensity sports adapted well to Stress Response, while those who participate in sports alone had poor Interpersonal Relationship (College), Stress Response and overall adaptation. The higher the degree of participation, the better Interpersonal Relationship (College). Based on the above research results, it is suggested that: 1. Hong Kong and Macau College students in Taiwan, need to allocate more time to participate in leisure sports with their peers. Ideally, at least 3 times per week, and the intensity and time of participation should be avoided too over at the same time. If the intensity of participation is too high, the duration must be reduced. If the intensity of participation is not enough, the duration must be increased. 2. The future research can further explore the importance of interpersonal relationships for participation in leisure sport, and the impact of participation on interpersonal relationships and stress response.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the situation of leisure sports participation and school adaptation in Taiwan of Hong Kong and Macau students. Another aim was to find out the differences between demographic variables of leisure sports participation and school adaptation in Taiwan, and the relationship between leisure sports participation and school adaptation in Taiwan. The subjects of this study are Hong Kong and Macau students who study at university in Taiwan. Quantitative method was applied. A total of 367 samples were received, with an effective sample size of 364, with an effective rate of 99%. There are six dimensions of School Adaptation in Taiwan which include Cultural Adaptation, Academic Adaptation, Living Habits, College Interpersonal Relationship, Overseas Interpersonal Relationship and Stress Response. The results of the study were that: 1. The current situation of Leisure Sports Participation shows that most of Hong Kong and Macau students like to play ball games, once or less per week, with 120 minutes or more each time, the intensity of sweating and panting, with Taiwanese peers, and NT $0 for the monthly spending on leisure sports. 2. The current situation of School Adaptation in Taiwan shows that there is no problem with the language adaptation of Hong Kong and Macau students, and the interpersonal relationship is also well adapted. The adaptation in terms of traffic and weather is poor. The main problem is academics. 3. Male students are more active in leisure sports than female students, Most of female students participate in leisure sports with their Taiwanese peers, followed by alone. younger, living with friends and living in school dormitories of Hong Kong and Macau students are more likely to participate in ball sports. Most of younger participating partners are also Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan peers, and most of elder students are alone participation. Students from the Service College and freshmen are more actively involved in leisure sports. The Cultural Adaptation of Hong Kong and Macau students aged 24 or above and in private schools is poor, while students enrolled in research institutes or above adapt well in their Living Habits. 4. Hong Kong and Macau students who participate in low-intensity sports adapted well to Stress Response, while those who participate in sports alone had poor Interpersonal Relationship (College), Stress Response and overall adaptation. The higher the degree of participation, the better Interpersonal Relationship (College). Based on the above research results, it is suggested that: 1. Hong Kong and Macau College students in Taiwan, need to allocate more time to participate in leisure sports with their peers. Ideally, at least 3 times per week, and the intensity and time of participation should be avoided too over at the same time. If the intensity of participation is too high, the duration must be reduced. If the intensity of participation is not enough, the duration must be increased. 2. The future research can further explore the importance of interpersonal relationships for participation in leisure sport, and the impact of participation on interpersonal relationships and stress response.
港澳大專學生, 休閒運動參與, 在臺就學適應, Hong Kong and Macau College student, Leisure Sport Participation, School Adaptation