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目的:探討12週環狀運動、階梯有氧及油壓阻力運動課程對於年輕女性健康體適能的影響。方法:將45名坐式生活女性(24.3±2.9yr; 160.6±5.2 cm; 55.9±6.7 kg)隨機分派成四組,分別為環狀運動組(n=14)、階梯有氧組(n=10)、油壓阻力組(n=11)與控制組(n=10)。除了控制組外,其他三組進行每週三天,每次30分鐘,運動強度60-80% HRmax的運動介入課程(包含5分鐘熱身活動、20分鐘主要活動與5分鐘緩和伸展活動),控制組則維持原本的生活型態。各組於運動訓練前和訓練後,施以身體組成、坐姿體前彎、上下肢肌力與肌耐力、800公尺跑走等各項檢測。統計方法以混合設計二因子變異數分析,考驗各組之效果差異顯著性。結果:在各組的前後測比較之下,環狀運動組在安靜心跳率、坐姿體前彎、上下肢肌力與肌耐力及800公尺跑走均有顯著改善(p<.05)。階梯有氧組在安靜心跳率、坐姿體前彎、下肢肌耐力及800公尺跑走等檢測有顯著改善(p<.05)。油壓阻力組在坐姿體前彎、上下肢肌力與肌耐力等檢測有顯著改善(p<.05),而控制組都無顯著變化(p>.05)。經不同組別比較後,環狀運動組在下肢肌耐力改善程度比控制組有顯著提昇效果(p<.05)。結論:在無飲食控制處理之下,運動介入對於身體組成的改善效果不大,但環狀運動結合階梯有氧與油壓阻力運動,對於全面性體適能的提昇,仍擁有較佳的助益。
Purpose: To determine the effects of a 12-weeks circuit exercise, hydraulic resistance exercise and step aerobics exercise programs on health-related fitness in sedentary women. Methods: Forty five sedentary women (24.3±2.9yr; 160.6±5.2 cm; 55.9±6.7 kg) participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to either no exercise control (CON), circuit exercise (CE), hydraulic resistance exercise (HRE), or step aerobics exercise (SE) group. Participants in exercise groups (all but CON) exercised in a 12-week, 3 days per week supervised program consisting of 5 min warm-up and 20 min of main exercise (at 60-80% of maximum heart rate) followed by 5 min cool-down. Body composition, sit-and-reach test, upper and lower limbs muscle strength and muscular endurance, rest heart rate, and 800m run-walk test were examined at baseline and after weeks 12. All data collected at pre-test and post-test were analyzed by mixed two-way ANOVA. Results: In the CE, resting heart rate, sit-and-reach test, upper and lower limbs muscle strength, muscular endurance and 800m run-walk test were significantly improved (p< .05). In the SE, resting heart rate, sit-and-reach test, lower limbs muscular endurance and 800m run-walk test were significantly improved (p < .05). In the HRE, sit-and-reach test, upper and lower limbs muscle strength, muscular endurance were significantly improved (p < .05). The comparison of different groups, the CE was significantly better than the CON (p < .05) in lower limbs muscular endurance. Conclusion: Under the absence of diet control, exercise intervention has little effect for the improvement of body composition, but the CE program (combine HER and SE) has a better benefit for upgrading overall physical fitness.
Purpose: To determine the effects of a 12-weeks circuit exercise, hydraulic resistance exercise and step aerobics exercise programs on health-related fitness in sedentary women. Methods: Forty five sedentary women (24.3±2.9yr; 160.6±5.2 cm; 55.9±6.7 kg) participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to either no exercise control (CON), circuit exercise (CE), hydraulic resistance exercise (HRE), or step aerobics exercise (SE) group. Participants in exercise groups (all but CON) exercised in a 12-week, 3 days per week supervised program consisting of 5 min warm-up and 20 min of main exercise (at 60-80% of maximum heart rate) followed by 5 min cool-down. Body composition, sit-and-reach test, upper and lower limbs muscle strength and muscular endurance, rest heart rate, and 800m run-walk test were examined at baseline and after weeks 12. All data collected at pre-test and post-test were analyzed by mixed two-way ANOVA. Results: In the CE, resting heart rate, sit-and-reach test, upper and lower limbs muscle strength, muscular endurance and 800m run-walk test were significantly improved (p< .05). In the SE, resting heart rate, sit-and-reach test, lower limbs muscular endurance and 800m run-walk test were significantly improved (p < .05). In the HRE, sit-and-reach test, upper and lower limbs muscle strength, muscular endurance were significantly improved (p < .05). The comparison of different groups, the CE was significantly better than the CON (p < .05) in lower limbs muscular endurance. Conclusion: Under the absence of diet control, exercise intervention has little effect for the improvement of body composition, but the CE program (combine HER and SE) has a better benefit for upgrading overall physical fitness.
環狀運動, 階梯有氧, 油壓阻力, 健康體適能, circuit exercise, step aerobics, hydraulic resistance exercise, health-related fitness