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一、 臺北市Y世代學生觀賞SBL之受試者以男性、年齡介於19-21 歲、教育程度為大專校院、每月可支配1,000元以下為主要樣本群。
二、 媒介使用動機依序為「偏好認同」、「資訊獲得」、「媒介特性」、「消遣娛樂」、「比賽刺激」、「人際關係」、「儀式動機」,且13~15歲國中生在「個人偏好/認同」、「資訊獲得」、「比賽刺激」及「人際關係」動機顯著高於其他年齡層。
三、 媒介使用行為,以電視最為普及、頻率最高、觀賞時數最久,其次為報紙與網路,雜誌及廣播則使用最少,此外,臺北市Y世代13~18歲學生觀賞SBL以電視為主,19~21歲大學生及每月可支配零用金越高之學生則以網路為主。
四、 臺北市Y世代學生各媒介使用動機構面並未影響其媒介選擇,主要媒介以電視為主,次要媒介以網路、電視及報紙為主。此外,臺北市Y世代學生觀賞SBL媒介使用動機越高,媒介使用行為則越高。
The purpose of study was to understand the motives and behaviors of media-use for watching SBL within Taipei generation Y students. Therefore, the study took uses-and-gratifications perspective, and investigated Taipei 13~24 generation Y students. The results were as follows: 1. The majority of audiences were college men aged from 19 to 21 years old, and the amount of allowance is under 1,000. 2. The motives of media-use factors of Taipei generation Y students were in the following orders, “identity”, “information-accessing”, “media character”, “Time-killing”, “excitement of game”, “relationship”, and “habits”. Besides, the motives of Taipei junior high school students aged from 13 to 15 in “identity”, “information-accessing”, “relationship”, “excitement of game” were more than other students. 3. As for the behavior of media-use, TV was used the highest, newspapers and Internet were second, magazines and broadcasting were the lowest. Moreover, Taipei generation Y students aged from 13 to 18 watched SBL mostly, and college students aged from 19 to 21 took internet as the first principal thing. 4. Regardless of the motivations, the major media used by Taipei generation Y students was TV, while the Internet, TV, and newspapers were used less frequently. And the higher motivations of media-use, the more behaviors of media-use will be observed. After examining the relationship between the motives of media-use and the behaviors of media-use, the sports media should focus on the female audiences and spectators from 13 to 15, and increase the motives of media-use to elevate the behaviors of media-use. Furthermore, the sports marketing practitioners could approach their target audience based on the concept of segmented media by TV, Internet and newspapers.
The purpose of study was to understand the motives and behaviors of media-use for watching SBL within Taipei generation Y students. Therefore, the study took uses-and-gratifications perspective, and investigated Taipei 13~24 generation Y students. The results were as follows: 1. The majority of audiences were college men aged from 19 to 21 years old, and the amount of allowance is under 1,000. 2. The motives of media-use factors of Taipei generation Y students were in the following orders, “identity”, “information-accessing”, “media character”, “Time-killing”, “excitement of game”, “relationship”, and “habits”. Besides, the motives of Taipei junior high school students aged from 13 to 15 in “identity”, “information-accessing”, “relationship”, “excitement of game” were more than other students. 3. As for the behavior of media-use, TV was used the highest, newspapers and Internet were second, magazines and broadcasting were the lowest. Moreover, Taipei generation Y students aged from 13 to 18 watched SBL mostly, and college students aged from 19 to 21 took internet as the first principal thing. 4. Regardless of the motivations, the major media used by Taipei generation Y students was TV, while the Internet, TV, and newspapers were used less frequently. And the higher motivations of media-use, the more behaviors of media-use will be observed. After examining the relationship between the motives of media-use and the behaviors of media-use, the sports media should focus on the female audiences and spectators from 13 to 15, and increase the motives of media-use to elevate the behaviors of media-use. Furthermore, the sports marketing practitioners could approach their target audience based on the concept of segmented media by TV, Internet and newspapers.
Y世代, SBL, 媒介使用動機, 媒介使用行為, Generation Y, motivation of media-use, behavior of media-use