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本研究旨在探討幼稚園大班美術表現活動中教師教學意象運作之情形。研究目的為:(一)瞭解教師在美術表現活動中教學意象的內涵;(二)分析影響教師教學意象的可能因素;(三)探討教師教學意象運作時面臨問題的調適過程。為達上述研究目的,本研究採取質性研究取向,以兩位有經驗的合班幼兒教師──寶老師、貝老師為研究參與者,運用參與觀察、訪談、及文件蒐集等方式作為資料的主要來源。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、寶、貝老師在美術表現活動中教學意象的內涵 (一)寶老師的教學意象為:「老師是媽媽(班級是個家)」、「美術表現是孩子日常生活中重要的活動」,以及「基本能力是關鍵」。 (二)貝老師的教學意象為:「教室像公園」、「美術表現是孩子日常生活中重要的活動」、「看見孩子的好」,以及「圖畫書是重要的資源」。 (三)寶、貝老師各自持有不同特色的教學意象,引領兩位老師美術表現活動中的整體實踐,進而形成其課室中的教學特色。 二、影響教師教學意象的可能因素 (一)寶、貝老師在美術表現活動中的教學意象,可能受教師個人的個性、早年生活及求學經驗,及先前幼教實務經驗等因素交互影響而形成。 (二)早年生活及求學經驗是影響寶、貝老師教學意象的關鍵性因素,並各自受其關鍵人物:「寶老師的國小六年級級任老師」、「貝老師的媽媽」之深遠影響。 (三)幼教師資培育對寶老師的教學意象較沒有影響,但對貝老師則有必然性的影響。 三、教師教學意象運作時面臨問題的調適過程 (一)寶、貝老師教學意象面臨問題時,雖然有著不同的調適過程,但兩人的教學意象皆相當穩固,不受教學情境問題而改變。 (二)省思是教師教學意象面臨問題時,能否有效調適,以及改善教學問題的重要關鍵。 四、良好的搭檔關係,促使寶、貝老師的課室教學保持個人教學意象的特色,發揮專長,呈現「互補」的搭檔型態。 五、在寶、貝老師教學意象運作下,美術表現活動呈現的特色及可再加強之處 (一)美術表現活動的特色:1.協助幼兒發展將內心想法、概念轉換成圖象符號的能力;2.促進幼兒以美感形式體驗週遭事物,進而發展知覺能力及美感意識;3.透過動手經驗,幫助幼兒發展探索、觀察、自我指導及問題解決等能力;4.提供幼兒探索美術材料、工具特性的機會。 (二)美術表現活動可再加強之處:1.老師應理解圖象符號對幼兒的意義,避免「像不像問題」產生;2.應建立客觀的評量依據,避免以同一標準來要求幼兒修改作品;3.應實施「紀實」,透過文件檔案來進行活動的回顧及省思;4.宜廣增幼兒美術欣賞的機會。 最後依據研究結果,對幼兒教師、幼教師資培育機構及未來研究者提出建議。
This research is to explore how the teaching images engaged in the expressive art activities for the kindergarten children, so as to (1) understand how teachers manifest their teaching images in those art activities; (2) analyze which factors might impact their teaching images; (3) explore how teachers accommodated themselves to the difficulties emerged out while they applied the teaching images. In order to meet all the alleged research purposes, we took the approach of qualitative research and based on two experienced early childhood teachers---Ms. Pau and Ms. Bei---who would be our informants. We would use methods such as participating-observation, interviews and relevant documents to collect all the information needed. The main findings this research discovered include: 1. These two early childhood teachers hold a set of teaching images which influenced their classroom practices in children’ expressive art activities. 2. The teaching images Ms. Pau and Ms. Bei used in children’s expressive art activities might be inter-affected by their personalities, early experiences of life and learning, and prior teaching experiences for young children. 3. Early experiences of life and learning might be the crucial influences that affected their teaching images. But the teacher educational training had less impact on Ms. Pau’s teaching image, and it’s the indispensable factor that affected Ms. Bei’s. 4. Though the adjusting processes of Ms. Pau and Ms. Bei are different, their teaching images are quite stable, no matter how the teaching situation varies. 5. Reflection is the crucial factor for teachers to adjust and improve their teaching skills when they confront problems. 6. Good partnership let the classroom practices of Ms. Pau and Ms. Bei own their individual features of teaching image, display their specialties and illustrate a style of complementary partnership. 7. Through the teaching images engaged by Ms. Pau and Ms. Bei, the characteristics in children’s expressive art activities they illustrated includes: (1) helping young children to transfer their mindsets and concepts to picturesque symbols; (2) helping children to experience the surrounding environment with aesthetic genre so as to develop perceptual ability and aesthetic sensitivity; (3) by way of DIY experiences, help children to develop the abilities of exploring, observing, self-directing and problem-resolving; (4) give opportunity for young children to explore the characteristics of fine art materials and kits. In the end, we followed the outcome of this research to put forward some relevant suggestions to early childhood teachers as well as teacher education institutions and future researchers.



幼兒教師, 教學意象, 美術表現活動, early childhood teacher, teaching images, expressive art activities





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