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Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
中國圖書館界以積極主動的態度參與《信息網絡傳播權保護條例》制定,取得了明顯成效。今天的圖書館服務對網絡環境的高度依賴,以及信息網絡傳播權對圖書館 網絡服務的制約,決定了圖書館界必須代表社會公眾利益作出不懈努力。已經實施的《信息網絡傳播權保護條例》為圖書館活動帶來了保障,也形成了制約。圖書館 界面臨著新的任務。
Libraries in China have been actively participating in the formulation of “Information Network Transmission Right Protection Ordinance”. This has already achived good effects. In these days library services are heavily relying on the network environment and network services, information network transmission right also put restrictions on the services provided by libraries through the information network. All of these require libraries continually to make effort to protect public interests and rights and comply with regulations. Information Network Transmission Right Protection Ordinance, which has already taken effect, will not only regulate but also protect library services. Libraries in China now are facing a new environment and new tasks.
Libraries in China have been actively participating in the formulation of “Information Network Transmission Right Protection Ordinance”. This has already achived good effects. In these days library services are heavily relying on the network environment and network services, information network transmission right also put restrictions on the services provided by libraries through the information network. All of these require libraries continually to make effort to protect public interests and rights and comply with regulations. Information Network Transmission Right Protection Ordinance, which has already taken effect, will not only regulate but also protect library services. Libraries in China now are facing a new environment and new tasks.