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本研究係以白血病六年級在家教育學童(燕子)於在家休養期間,運用MSN進行遠距教學的經驗。了解以燕子為中心的生態環境及遠距教學中電腦網路運用、教學的歷程、師生互動的情形。本研究當中資料的蒐集主要來自上課時學生端的錄影、教師的觀察反省日誌、教學進行時的錄音及對燕子及父母的訪談紀錄。運用同儕檢視影片、回到文本中不斷的檢視資料、專家檢視及同儕協助的開放式編碼進行資料檢正與資料分析。在本研究中發現: 一、燕子休養期間的經歷: 住院及休養期間教育服務時數的不足、同儕互動的 減少及身體的狀況、家庭所關切的問題,教育上所 應提供的資源服務。 二、電腦與網路運用情形: 須注意硬體的品質及軟體相容性、硬體的便利性與學生對軟硬體操作熟練度對教學進行過程的影響。 三、遠距教學進行教學歷程: 進行的教學的步驟、教師運用的技巧及學生建構觀念的技巧。 四、遠距教學中師生的互動: 提升學生動機的重要性、學生的上課情形、教學過程的干擾因素、線上與家人互動的過程。 白血病學童在教育上的需求是不足的,可藉由新科技 的引入改變目前教學方式,讓學生獲得更充分的教育服務,並提供家庭更充分的支援服務。
This case study is about a distance learning experience of using MSN Messenger for a 6th grade home schooling boy, Yanzi, who suffers leukemia. The purpose of this study is to understand Yanzi’s environment and the use of Internet, the teaching process and the interaction between the teacher and the student in distance learning. The resources for this study are mainly from (1) video tapes of the students at home, (2) a teacher’s journal of his observation,(3) the recordings of the classes and (4) the interviews of Yanzi and his parents. Through the review taped done by my colleagues, studying the data and from both experts and colleagues assistance in verifying and analyzing the data, the following are findings of this case study: (1) Yanzi’s environment: It includes disruption of education during the period of hospitalization and recovery, lack of interaction with classmates, health conditions, his family concerns and learning facility and service s provided during this time. (2) The usage of computers and the Internet: Quality hardware, accessibility, software compatibility and the impact on the teaching procedure due to student’s ability to master both the operation of the hardware and software. (3) Teaching experiences gained from distance learning: It includes teaching procedures, the teaching techniques and the conceptualization process acquired by the student. (4) The interaction between the student and the teacher in distance learning : The importance of increasing a student’s motivation, student’s responses during classes, disruption during class time and the online interaction with the family. Children who suffer from leukemia need have their education compromised. By introducing new technologies to improve current education, students and family will receive better learning resources and support services.



質性研究, 特殊教育, 白血病, 遠距教學, 在家教育, Qualitative research, Special education, Leukemia, Distance learning, Homebound Education





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