

中文摘要 本研究主要目的為探討保健志工個人背景資料與個人特質對其工作表現相關性之探討,並且加入組織層次變項,期望能全面性瞭解影響志工工作表現的因素為何。 本研究採橫斷面調查研究方法,研究對象為各縣市參與「老人跌倒防治多重介入模式之發展與推廣」計畫之保健志工。研究工具分為個人以及組織層次問卷。個人層次問卷包括個人背景資料、參與動機量表、人格特質¬-內外控取向量表、充能程度量表、組織承諾量表以及工作表現評估。共發出問卷141份,有效問卷回收共127份,有效問卷回收率為90.0%。本研究以描述性檢定、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸以及階層線性迴歸模式進行資料分析。 重要研究結果發現: 1.過去擔任志工的經驗會影響志工的服務時間以及招募人數。 2.在個人特質中,除了人格特質之外,包括參與動機、組織承諾及充能程 皆與志工綜合工作服務表現呈現正相關。 3.過去擔任志工的經驗、參與動機、充能程度、組織得獎經驗以及組織能力 對志工綜合工作服務表現有顯著預測力,可解釋變異量為39%。 4.總和來說,志工參與動機與組織能力在預測志工工作表現上為最強的預測 因子。 志工為推動健康促進計畫中重要的人力資源,如何提升志工的工作表現將是一項重要的課題。綜合上述研究結果,研究者建議,如能加強志工的參與動機以及建立支持性的環境將有助提升志工的服務表現。
ABSTRACT The main purposes of our study were to understand the correlations among sociodemographic characteristics, individual traits and job-related outcomes; furthermore, we bring organizational level profiles into this study to comprehend voluntary job-related outcomes. The cross-sectional design was applied in this study. Volunteers were recruited from Taiwan Community Fall Prevention Project (TCFPP). We developed two structured questionnaires, participants mailed questionnaire including individual and organizational levels. A total of 141 and 127 valid questionnaires were returned (response rate=90.0%). Data analyzed was accomplished by descriptive statistics, independent t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regressions. The significant findings of this study are as follows: 1.Volunteers who had previously voluntary experience will service more time and recruit more people than who had not. 2.All the individual traits are positive and significantly correlated with composite job-related outcomes index, except personality. 3.The significant predictors of composite job-related outcomes index include previous volunteer experience, motivation and empowerment for individual level, and, award winning experience, and organizational competence for organizational level respectively, accounting for 39% in variance. 4.Consequently, motivation and organizational competence were the most relevant predictors in predicting job- related outcomes variables (service time, satisfaction, recruitment). Volunteers are the main resource in promoting health projects. Hence, in order to improve volunteers’ performance, it is critical for stakeholders to understand their motivation of volunteerism, promote the highest degree of motivation and satisfy their expectation. Furthermore, create the supported environment will achieve the better performance of job-related outcomes.



保健志工, 人格特質, 參與動機, 組織承諾, 充能程度, 工作表現, Volunteers, Personality, Motivation, Organizational commitment, Empowerment, Job-related outcomes





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