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目前國際間推動培養運算思維的教學,大部分都是以電腦科學、資訊科技為主,透過程式設計等工具,希望學生在學習程式設計的過程中培養運算思維能力。公民與社會學科的課程內涵是在培養學生的類似運算思維的高階思考能力,具有實際結合的可行性。本研究旨在透過運算思維融入高中公民探究與實作課程的教學設計,探討高中生運算思維能力的展現、運算思維的改變、對課程的看法及研究者面臨的問題與成長。 本研究以研究者任教的三十七名高二自然組學生為研究對象,三十二名學生完整參與七堂課的探究與實作課程及前、後測, 本研究採取行動研究法為主要途徑,同時運用「參與觀察法」、「訪談法」、「文件分析法」、「問卷調查法」等研究方法作為資料蒐集與分析的方式。 本研究主要的研究結論如下:「運算思維融入高中公民探究與實作課程」使學生運算思維能力有正向的成長,且高中學生對於「運算思維融入高中公民探究與實作課程」的看法持肯定態度,在班級經營及課程設計須以學生為主體,教師提供鷹架與支持能使課程效果更佳,發展以運算思維為架構的教學符合公民的教學目標。 最後,根據研究結果,研究者提出具體建議與啟示,希冀能提供未來運算思維課程設計及教學之參考。
This purpose of this study was to explore the perspectives of the students through computational thinking framework for the 11th-grade students, and it was hoped to provide some suggestions concluded as reference for further application and research. The study employed the action research approach, and gathered data through participatory observation, interviews, surveys and document analysis. The data included student worksheets, teacher’s class videos and teaching journals and class observation records, along with student feedback sheets and interview records. The researcher designed a lesson plan for teaching computational thinking. The participants were 37 11th-grade students in the senior high school where the researcher taught. Based on the action research results, the major findings for this study were as follows: First, this curriculum enabled students to develop positively computational thinking. Second, the high school students had positive attitude towards the computational thinking integrated into the course. Also, the development of instruction based on computational thinking was in line with instructional objectives of the course. Class management and curriculum design was student-centered, and the teacher provided scaffolding and support to make the curriculum better. Finally, based on these findings, the researcher provided solutions regarding the problems and difficulties that were encountered during the research process and made some suggestions about curriculum design of computational thinking for future researchers.



運算思維, 運算思維評量, 探究與實作, 行動研究, computational thinking, computational thinking test, inquiry and practice, action research





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