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語言障礙學生的語法、語意、語用能力缺陷,可能對其寫作能力發展造成負面影響。寫作能力包含文本生成能力、轉譯能力、工作記憶的配合,才能完整建立。本研究選取一位五年級語言障礙學生進行個案研究,針對該名研究個案,使用結合概念構圖(Concept Mapping)與自我調整策略發展(Self-Regulated Strategy Development, SRSD)之寫作方案進行教學,共進行五次一對一的寫作教學介入。教學前收集三篇文章以確定個案之寫作能力起點,五次課程結束之後,再進行兩次後測,共蒐集十篇文章進行文章流暢度及文章品質的分析。另也針對個案、家長、導師進行訪談,以分析其對寫作方案的成效及滿意度。研究結果顯示,結合概念構圖與SRSD之寫作教學方案具備立即成效,但較難確認其維持成效。在文章流暢性及文章品質的兩項分數上,在教學介入期間呈現提升的趨勢,但在褪除提示讓個案獨立進行書寫的兩篇文章中,分數皆下降,雖未下降至介入前的分數水準,但較難確認是否有維持效果。在訪談質性資料的分析中,可發現個案、導師及家長三人對於寫作教學方案具正向看法,認為本研究寫作方案提供個案寫作方向與架構,對於寫作能力是有幫助的。經過介入期間的觀察,家長及導師認為個案的寫作態度相較以前更積極,整體自信心也有所提升。
The grammatical, semantic, and pragmatic abilities may affect the development of writing skills. Writing ability includes multiple abilities to be fully established. This study selected a fifth-grade student with language impairment as a case study, and used a writing program combining Concept Mapping and Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD). A total of ten articles were collected and analyzed for measuring the scores of article fluency and article quality. In addition, interviews were conducted with the student, parents, and school teacher to indicate the effectiveness and satisfaction of the writing program. The results of the study show that the SRSD writing program has immediate effect on improving writing performance, but it is difficult to ensure the maintenance effect. Both of article fluency and article quality scores were improved during the intervention period, but in the two articles which were written independently, the scores both decreased, although they did not drop to the level before the intervention, it is difficult to confirm whether there is a maintenance effect. In the analysis of the qualitative data, it can be found that the student, parents and school teacher expressed positive views on the writing program. They believe that the writing program provides the student with a writing direction and structure to guide the writing. Parents and school teacher also recognized that the student’s writing attitude was more positive than before, and her self-confidence for independent writing was also improved with this writing intervention.



語言障礙學生, 概念構圖, 自我調整策略發展, 寫作表現, language impairment, concept mapping, self-regulated strategy development, writing performance





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