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俗云「上有天堂,下有蘇杭」,中國人將杭州比作天堂,乃因為杭州有西湖的緣故。山水和文化,是中國傳統哲學「中庸」的表現,在文化、歷史、宗教的發展史上具有不可替代的價值。 西湖是人類與自然環境相互作用的傑出範例,也是一處美妙絕倫的風景勝地,它呈現了人類社會和居住地長期以來的演變,是人文美和自然美、建築美的高度結合。西湖是人類利用自然,而不是模仿自然。經年累月的人文發展型塑了西湖的美,歷代詩人也歌頌讚揚,西湖的山水之間,到處閃耀著人文的光輝,到處有歷史變遷的鎔燽和雕琢,以及藝術甘露的滲透和滋養,彷彿是一座大自然的公共藝術創作。隨著春、夏、秋、冬的不同季節,西湖以氣象萬千,如詩如畫的意境,完美地呈現在遊客面前。她的美,她的趣,則源於千百年仁人志士,騷人墨客對杭州刻骨銘心的喜愛與依戀。 瑪瑙寺依山而築,粉牆黛瓦,掩映在蔥鬱的古樹中,是杭州西湖歷史悠久的名寺。《臺灣通史》的作者,連戰的祖父連橫,曾於1926年到1927年在杭州期間居住於該寺,研究整理文史資料,其子連震東也曾來此探視,而與瑪瑙寺結下緣分。 2006年連戰首次訪問杭州時,得悉乃祖乃父與瑪瑙寺的這一段淵源。在杭州市委書記王國平及中央領導與各界的關心下,連戰於2006年開始籌建連橫紀念館,以凝聚臺灣同胞情感與記憶,並作為臺灣海峽文化交流的平臺,與國際接軌。 連橫(1878 - 1936),字武公,號雅堂。光緒四年五月出生於臺灣府寧南坊馬兵營。馬兵營是鄭成功(1624 - 62)駐軍的營地,連家自福建龍溪(今龍海)渡臺後就住在這裡,傳到連橫是第七代。連橫少受庭訓,長而好學,禀性聰穎,過眼成誦。其父連永昌因鍾愛之,曾購一部《臺灣府誌》送給他,並言道:「汝為臺灣人,不可不知臺灣歷史。」當時兵荒馬亂,而連橫積極收集文獻,其著作《臺灣通史》為歷史做見證,成為臺灣最珍貴的文化資產之一,連橫可說是臺灣文化保存先驅,臺灣的司馬遷(135 / 145 bc. - 86 bc.)。 連橫曾經先後兩次寄居杭州瑪瑙寺,和杭州有著深厚的情感,因此籌備工作人員便選擇瑪瑙寺當作臺灣海峽文化交流的橋梁,並進一步規劃硬體部分,以期還原連橫居住時期的面貌。連橫紀念館的空間架構規畫,由臺灣著名美學家暨建築家漢寶德(1934-)教授配合展示內容做合理的空間規劃,展示內容主要呈現連橫一生所作、所為、所想,比如撰寫《臺灣通史》的目的與意義,使這段歷史得以為臺灣同胞及全體國人了解。 連橫紀念館結合老建築,體現了江南古典園林的特色,旨在研究保存、展示及推廣臺灣文化。展示內容以「臺灣文化歷史」為主軸,以期讓觀眾認識、了解臺灣,更希望藉此一平臺加強臺灣海峽文化交流,擴大台灣海峽文化團體的往來,並與全球接軌,這也是國民黨榮譽主席連戰成立杭州臺灣連橫紀念館最重要的意義 。
It is said in Chinese tradition that "Heaven is a paradise and on earth the paradise is Suzhou and Hangzhou." One can liken the West Lake in Hangzhou to paradise. Landscape and culture are two moderate but irreplaceable components in traditional Chinese philosophy upon which the Chinese culture, history and religion are built. The West Lake is a sublime landscape, representing an outstanding achievement in human efforts to elevate its beautiful landscape. It is the combination of humanities and the beauty of nature and architecture. The West Lake is a good example that people can take advantage of nature rather than imitate it. Due to the efforts of numerous officials and cultural figures who struggle to tame, maintain, and beautify the lake, and shape the lake as we see today. Like an artwork created by nature, West Lake presents different scenes each season. Historical figures such as national heroes and martyrs of revolution, and poets all have been laid to rest on its shore. Agate Temple, a quiet Buddhist sanctuary nestled at the foot of the Gem Hill by the West Lake of Hangzhou, is closely associated with Lien Chan's grandfather Lien Heng, who is known for his authorship of the General History of Taiwan. Lien Heng stayed in Agate Temple from 1926 to1927. His son Lian Cheng-tung came to visit his parents at the temple, which forged the ties between the Liens and Hangzhou. In 2006, when Lien Chan first visited Hangzhou and learned about his family ties with Agate Temple, he decided to transform Agate Temple to a memorial museum. Under the efforts of Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Guo-ping, Chinese officials and Lien Chan, together they reconstructed the Agate Temple as the “Lien Heng Memorial Hall” in 2006, and set the multi-functional museum as a cross-strait cultural exchange platform. The Lien family moved from Fujian, China, to Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty. In May 16, 1878, the seventh-generation grandson Lien Heng (1878 - 1936) also known as Lien Ya-tang was born in Tainan. Lien Heng was an intelligent and hard working young man. His father Lien Yong-chang bought him the Taiwan Prefecture andsaid:“As a Taiwanese, you must know the history of Taiwan.” So he began the preparations for writing the General History of Taiwan in 1908. After years of thoroughly researching and studying what he had collected, the book took shape in the same stylistic rules and layout as first used by Sima Qian (B.C. 135 or 145 to B.C. 86.) The book has become one of the most precious culture heritages of Taiwan. Lien Heng lived in Agate Temple twice and enjoyed the beauty of the West Lake. When Agate Temple was chosen as a bridge for cross-strait cultural exchange, the temple was refurbished to the memories of Lien Heng. The refurbishment project was under the supervision of the famous architect Han Pao-teh (1934-). The purpose of the memorial museum is to show the history of Taiwan and exhibit Lien Heng's concerns, and to promote the Taiwanese culture to mainland Chinese. The Lien Heng Memorial Hall not only features as a stage to display and promote Taiwanese culture, it also wants to strengthen cross-strait cultural exchange, and to expand cross-strait cultural groups exchange, being part of the globalization. This is the ultimate goal of the Kuomintang Honorary Chairman Lien Chan to found the museum in Hangzhou.



連橫, 博物館, 台灣通史, Lien Heng, Museum, General History of Taiwan





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