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本研究目的在探討國內健身俱樂部產業之行銷策略,並選擇G健身俱樂部經營作為研究個案。透過專業經理人及產業專家的深度訪談,探討其行銷策略中的定位、目標市場、競爭、行銷組合與運用的4P等概念,及其對健身俱樂部產業經營的影響情形。並結合消費者對於「G健身俱樂部行銷策略運用實際感受量表」及「產業行銷策略運用之期望量表」之問卷進行施測,共計發放350份問卷,其中有效問卷為303份,有效問卷率為86.5%。資料回收以描述性統計與成對樣本t檢定等統計方法進行分析,以作為本研究綜合分析討論之用。   本研究訪談所得結論如下:在經營重點與策略面向:一、應塑造一個多元化、多功能的運動休閒整合的新定位;二、多元的策略聯盟,可彌補資源或能力的不足,提高其附加價值;三、重視強勢行銷、利基策略等策略。在市場分析及其應對策略面向:一、專業經理人認為應積極加強其市場定位,並強勢作為目標消費者族群的區隔與規劃;二、產業專家則認為透過整合行銷傳播 (IMC) 及顧客關係管理 (CRM)等行銷策略,才能加強整體產業的穩定與茁壯。問卷量表所得結論如下:一、G健身俱樂部會員對於該俱樂部所提供的產品內容與實際感受是相同的;二、多數的會員希望,健身俱樂部應以創新作為經營策略,且在行銷策略的運用上應更為強勢;三、未來的健身俱樂部所提供的產品,不應只是運動活動,而應該有更多元化且豐富的服務性產品提供。四、G健身俱樂部之產品定位與集中策略執行成效佳。   根據以上結果,健身俱樂部產業應更為重視消費者需求,亦即「顧客關係管理」。將顧客的屬性、消費取向、忠誠度等做最為緊密的分析,才能創造更有效的行銷組合;並可尋求適合企業環境的經營策略與多角化的異業結盟,除了可為健身俱樂部會員提供多元化的服務,更能為經營者掌握不同的獲利價值。
The purpose of this study was to explore how the marketing strategies be used in Fitness Club Industry in Taiwan. This study conducted the interviews of professional managers and industrial experts to investigate the practical usage of marketing 4P concepts, including positioning, target market, competition, and the use of marketing mix, as well as how these concepts influenced the development of Fitness Club Industry. In addition, two self-developed questionnaires, “Perception scale of the GYM G marketing strategies” and “Expectation scale of industrial marketing strategies utilization”, were distributed to 350 consumers. A total of 303 (86.5%) consumers participated and returned the questionnaires. The data were further analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired samples T test. The results of interviews showed that both managers and experts considered Fitness Club Industry need to place itself in the innovative sport leisure position which stressed diversification and multi-functions; the development of strategic alliance not only supplemented the shortage of resources or capabilities, but also beneficial in increasing the additional values; moreover, emphasizing the strong marketing strategy and niche strategy was helpful to the industry management. However, there existed difference in the market analysis and approaches to deal with it. Professional managers claimed the Fitness Club Industry should strength its market position actively, and use it as the differentiation and planning principle of target consumers. Contrarily, industrial experts suggested that Fitness Club Industry to reinforce its stability through the usage of integrated marketing communication (IMC) and customer relationship management (CRM).   From the results of questionnaires, GYM G members expressed their consistent feelings about what the products club provided and what they used. Most of the members suggested the club can adopt innovation concept as the management strategy, so as to the tough application of marketing strategy. The products that club planned to provide in the future not limited to sport activities, but covered more service-oriented products. Generally speaking, GYM G performed well in the market position and focus strategy.   According to the results above, Fitness Club Industry ought to put more emphasis on the customer needs, which meant “customer relationship management”. The comprehensive analysis of customers’ attributes, consuming tendencies, and royalties, was valuable to develop efficient and integrative marketing mix. In addition, seeking the multiple-angle horizontal alliances which was suitable for the enterprises’ management strategies also assisted managers earning more profits.



健身俱樂部, 行銷策略, G健身俱樂部, Fitness Club, Marketing Strategy, GYM G





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