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台灣的組織學者經常採用西方的研究量表作為研究的測量工具。本研究旨在探討 組織研究量表的跨文化可輸出性。主要是以測量恆等性的應用來調查實務上台灣組織研 究學者採用西方研究量表作為本土研究測量工具的有效性。首先建議針對近年來台灣 TSSCI 期刊中有關組織研究的文章進行一次大規模的文獻調查,以了解台灣學者對隱性 構念測量的建構方式,並對各項建構方式加以統計,以分辨出最常為台灣的組織學者直 接翻譯採用的西方研究量表。接下來針對這些量表檢測他們跨文化族群的測量恆等性, 以理解過去的研究是否有效,並確保未來使用這些量表時的信心。現有的統計分析程序 如結構方程式模型,以多組比較的確認性因素分析程序,可以用來作測量等值性的驗 證。樣本以台灣及量表發展的起源地的商業人士為對象。以欲檢測的量表作資料收集。 本研究希望達到下列目的: 1) 了解台灣的組織學者如何發展量表 2) 調查台灣的組織學者採用西方的研究量表作為研究工具的程度 3) 以台灣及量表發展的起源地的商業人士為對象收集資料,檢測最常為台灣的組 織學者所採用的量表的跨文化測量恆等性 4) 探討可能影響此類量表測量恆等性的因素 5) 增加台灣的組織學者對量表測量恆等性議題的認識 6) 提供台灣的組織學者在採用西方的研究量表作為研究工具時如何確保研究效度 的建議
It is common for organizational researchers to adoptWestern measures in their research. This study explores the exportability of organizational research measures across borders. Specifically, it attempts to investigate the validity of the practice of adopting western research instruments in local organizational studies in Taiwan with the application of measurement equivalence/invariance testing. I first propose a full scale investigation of the scale development approach in major Taiwanese academic journals, specifically those listed in the TSSCI index, targeting latent constructs in organizational research. Once the result of the above literature survey is available, I propose an investigation of ME/I of those most frequently adopted western measures to understand the extent of validity of past research results and to ensure validity of future applications. Research constructs that were measured with a direct translation of aWestern research instrument will be tallied to uncover the most frequently adopted instruments by organizational researchers in Taiwan. Multi-group comparison procedures in LISREL will be used to test the measurement equivalence/invariance of these instruments between Taiwanese samples and samples from the country of the scale’s origin such as the US. This research hopes to achieve the following objectives: 1) To understand the practice in scale development in Taiwan’s organizational research society. 2) To investigate the extent of practice in adopting western measurement scales in Taiwan’s organizational research. 3) To empirically test the measurement equivalence/invariance of the most frequently adopted western measures in organizational research with samples from Taiwan, US or other countries in different cultural regions where the adopted measures were first developed and validated. 4) To understand major source of threats to ME/I in Taiwan’s organizational studies involving the use of western measurement scales. 5) To increase awareness of ME/I issues among organizational researchers in Taiwan. 6) To provide guidelines to Taiwan’s organizational research society in regards to the issue of validity when adopting foreign research measurement instruments







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