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近年來,全球經濟受到交通運輸與資訊科技之發展及全球化的影響而產生巨變,導致現今業界中的競爭漸趨加劇。在現今國際化現象下所帶動之商業模式當中,與外國客戶、同事及長官之間的交易往來、會議簡報、溝通諮詢等情況愈趨普遍。因此,職場英語能力這議題仍受到相當的關注。 然而,台灣人的母語仍非英語,與他人使用英語溝通的過程會產生語言焦慮感,其影響其個人之工作績效表現並更進一步地影響其就業力。此外,如個人有考取語言能力測驗,其分數高低將影響個人之語言焦慮感及就業力。 本研究將語言焦慮作為自變數、將就業力作為依變數,並以語言能力作為調節變數。其目的為探討語言焦慮與就業力之間的關係及語言能力的調節作用。本研究採量化方式進行,並以線上電子問卷方式發放給556名在科技業服務之台灣員工,共249份為有效問卷。本研究採用統計軟體SPSS第20版與AMOS第18版進行問卷分析。 最後,其研究結果顯示語言焦慮感與就業力之間具有負向關係,且語言能力於兩者間具有正向之調節作用。
Global economy dramatically changes in recent decades because of the rising of globalization and development of information technology. Nowadays, it is getting competitive in global economy that there are mutual business transactions, meeting and communicating with foreign colleagues, supervisors, or even clients in the business today. However, individuals with language anxiety to communicate with other people because English is not their mother tongue. Language anxiety further influences individuals’ employability since it has negative impacts on individuals’ job performance. Therefore, English language proficiency is needed at the moment that helps individuals decrease language anxiety and strengthen employability. The purpose of this study was to investigate the negative relationship between language anxiety and employability and the moderating effect of English language proficiency in this relationship. This study used quantitative approach. The Internet-based questionnaires were answered by 556 participants working in technology companies, and 249 questionnaires were valid. Hierarchical regression analysis was used in this study. The results showed that there was a negative relationship between language anxiety and employability. The moderating effect of English language proficiency on the relationship between language anxiety and employability was also proved.



語言能力, 語言焦慮感, 就業力, English language proficiency, language anxiety, employability





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