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智能障礙者占身心障礙者勞動參與率前三名,體能將影響其未來就業的能力。本研究目的在探討使用極低量高強度間歇訓練,對高職智能障礙學生健康體適能和身體自我概念之影響,以某高職一年級綜合職能科學生為研究對象,共12名符合條件之十五至十七歲之智能障礙學生參與研究;研究設計採取前實驗之單組前後測設計,研究參與者進行為期8週,每週3次,以Tabata模式運動課程之徒手阻力訓練的形式,在能力範圍以內全力以赴進行八個動作,動作依序為雙手開合跳、原地抬腿跑、深蹲跳、捲腹、登山者、弓步蹲、波比跳、平板撐,而每個動作持續20秒,接著休息10秒,總共4分鐘。並對健康體適能,包含身體組成、肌肉適能、柔軟度和心肺適能;以及身體自我概念,包含整體自尊、身體自我價值、身體狀況、運動能力、身體外貌和身體力量之前後測結果,使用SPSS for windows 22 版進行成對樣本t檢定考驗。結果顯示,本研究對於健康體適之肌耐力和心肺適能,以及身體概念之身體狀況、運動能力、身體外貌和身體力量有有顯著的差異。最後根據研究結果,提出對未來研究和教育現場實務之相關建議。
The intellectual disabilities occupy the top three in the labor participation rate of the people with disabilities. Physical fitness will affect their ability to aquire jobs in the future. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of low-volume high intensity interval training on the health-related physical fitness and physical self-concept for vocational high school students with intellectual disabilities. The study recruited 12 tenth grade students with intellectual disabilities who are aged between 15 to 17 years old in vocational high school. The participants' fitness and physical self-concept were measured before exercise intervention. Then, the participants receive low-volume, high intensity interval training for eight weeks, and three times per week. This training is consisted of eight kinds of body weight resistant movements, including jumping jack, high knees, arm reaching crunch, mountain climber, lunge, burpee and plank. The duration of each movement is 20 seconds with an all-out effort, and rest for 10 seconds. The total training time for each training is four minutes. Finally, after the exercise training, the participants' fitness such as cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, and flexibility, as well as physical self-concept such as self-esteem, physical self-worth, physical condition, sport competence, physical appearance, and physical strength were measured again to compare the changes in the participants' fitness and physical self-concept. Paired sample t-test and SPSS software were applied for statistical analysis. According to the results of the study, some practical suggestions are made for further studies.



智能障礙, 健康體適能, 身體自我概念, 極低量高強度間歇訓練, Intellectual Disabilities Student, Health-related Physical Fitness, Physical self-concept, extremely low-volume high-intensity interval training





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