
dc.description.abstract日治時期城市公園的圖像偶爾在期刊、論文中被提及、被研究,其討論與研究內容始終將公園圖像附屬於城市空間構成的元素之一,簡略提到;尚未有研究是對公園圖像做完整的探討,因而公園圖像背後的意義常是隱而未見的。本研究將著眼於這些被忽略的日治城市公園圖像。 在日治時期城市公園圖像裡,有著各式各樣的構成元素-植物、建築物、神社、塑像、廣播塔、動物園等,在日人的規劃之下,穿梭於公園的人們開始散步、做體操、聽音樂會、運動、騎自行車、參加博覽會等,如此充滿休憩空間的公園由殖民者引入後,各種象徵現代文明的活動出現在公園,這樣的圖像經由畫家汲取入畫表徵意涵是什麼?公園圖像還結合了其他元素轉換成了郵戳、車站紀念戳、海報一再的出現,公園不再只是眼見中詩化的公園。以上都是研究本文研究的重點。 本研究首先建構出臺灣城市公園與殖民之間的關係,與發展的歷程。其次透過當時美術史發展脈絡與社會狀況來認識公園畫作的背景,以此為基礎,來解析日治時期城市公園圖像的表徵意義與圖像隱含的社會意涵。本研究大致獲得以下結論: 一、日治時期臺灣畫家承接日本移植而來的新觀看方式對公園進行寫生。 二、公園畫作中臺灣的熱帶植物,經由殖民者的認同,由自然物轉化成了文化象徵的符碼,反映出臺灣人不自覺地透過日本的眼睛來觀看臺灣。 三、透過圖像分析得知,作為現代化下的公園,可視為展示供公權力的場域。 四、日本藉由城市公園的植入也一併移殖現代的文明生活,彰顯了殖民母國馴化的過程。 公園圖像其生產過程與社會環境間存在著無法割裂的關係。仔細推敲驗證的同時,許多細微卻又相當深刻的痕跡一一呈現。透過日治城市公園圖像研究希望能引發大家對公園圖像的關注。 關鍵詞:殖民地、現代性、文化移植、文明表徵、權力zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract A feature or a study of the city park image during the Japanese Occupation Period would occasionally appear in journals or theses, and most of which delved mainly on the park image as another element composing the urban design framework, and thus fleetingly described. In fact, no thorough discussion of the park image had been made in any of the past related studies; hence, no exploration had been made on the implications behind the park image. Therefore, this paper shall focus on the oft-overlooked city park image during the Japanese Occupation Period. Contained within the city park image during the Japanese Occupation Period is a wide variety of elements, such as plants, buildings, shrines, statues, broadcast towers, zoos and so forth. Under the meticulous planning of Japanese architects, passersby walking through the park started to take strolls, exercise, listen to concerts, do some sports activities, cycle, and attend exhibits. Following the colonial government’s introduction of these leisure environment parks, a number of activities symbolic of modern civilization began to emerge in the parks. But what were the implications of these park images that were captured and depicted into oil canvases by artists? Later, these park images were integrated with other elements and they re-emerged as stamps, memorable bus station stamps, and posters, making the parks more than just the poetic landscapes the eyes could behold. The foregoing developments constitute the salient points of this paper. This paper first established the relationship between the Taiwan city parks and the colonials, and the pertaining development history. Next, through a study of the development trends and social conditions of the contemporary art history, we delved into the background of the park painting and on this foundation, analyzed the symbolic significance and tacit social implications hidden behind the city park images during the Japanese Occupation Period. This paper reached the following general conclusions: 1. Taiwanese artists of the Japanese Occupation Period viewed and painted the parks through the new perspectives that the Japanese had transplanted to Taiwan. 2. The Taiwan tropical plants depicted in the park paintings were those with which colonists identified and were natural objects that had been transformed into representative cultural symbols. They are the manifestations of the Taiwanese people’s inadvertent adaptation of the Japanese perspective in viewing Taiwan. 3. Image analysis revealed that the modern parks would be regarded as places for demonstration of public power. 4. The Japanese, through the infusion of the city park concepts, also transplanted the modern civilization lifestyle. The parks are an apparent manifestation of the indoctrination process of the colonizing motherland. There is an unbreakable bond between the production process of park images and the social environment. During the detailed and deliberate verification of the study, a number of subtle yet extremely deep-rooted imprints surfaced piece by piece. It is hoped that through an analysis of the city park image during the Japanese Occupation Period, this paper may stir a general enthusiasm for city park images. Keywords: park, colony, modernity, cultural transplantation, poweren_US
dc.subjectcultural transplantationen_US
dc.titleStudy of the City Park Image during the Japanese Occupation Perioden_US

