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人類從出生,就面臨著死亡的問題,生死是一體的,死亡是「存在」的一部分。而死亡一直讓人感到無比恐懼,但是死亡對生命而言,並非毫無意義,死亡可以讓生命價值得到證明。因為有了死亡,人們才能看到生命的短暫,才能激勵人心、啟迪生命,帶給生命力量。死亡所帶來的黑暗,也就更襯托出生命的燦爛。由於死與生,激發人們去探索死亡,因此中外古今,死亡成為哲學、宗教、文學、藝術等方面所關注的主題。 然而透過種種對生與死之間的探究,在這些創作理論中,產生死亡的意識,不再只是圍繞在肉體、心理上的死亡,更有精神上的死亡,由死亡的意涵再延伸,探討的面向、範圍更廣泛;本文是創作性論文,試圖尋求、探討與自我相契合的生死觀點與作品,做為詮釋。最後,創作的作品將以自我對生死的理解為主題內容,加以描繪。本文內容分為:第一章緒論,第二章生命自覺與重新定位,第三章從心起航•重新啟航創作理論實踐,第四章創作面向分析,第五章結論。 由此次的創作中了解:生命是短暫的,情感卻是永恆的,生命本身是一個流動的凋零,心念是記憶重複的運動,也是一種循環。因此勇敢面對黑暗,走過黎明前的黑暗,要用自己的光來照亮自己。因此將作品分成四個系列「生之滅•死之起」系列、「開啟幸福」系列、「五行」系列、「無為」系列等四個面向來表現。
Since human beings are born in the world, they face the death at same time. Life and death is one thing because death is a part of “being”. However mankind is always afraid of death. Death is not nonsense for life; it is evidence of life value. Because of death, human beings know that their life time is short after that they are inspired by life. Their life is enlightenment because death pours the power to life. Death brings darkness otherwise it serves as a foil to magnificent life. Life and death inspires people to explore meaning of death. Disciplines of philosophy, religion, literature and art see death as important issue in the world. Through the research of life and death and my descriptions of artworks make me aware the death. I am not just focus on the death of flesh and death of mental moreover I focus on death of spirit. I try to extend the meaning of death. It makes the discussion and range wider than before. This paper discusses about my artworks, which are seeking and discussing opinion of life and death, furthermore make an interpretation. Finally, my artworks are discussing about the understanding of life and death. Then I depict the scene of death deeply as subject. The structure of the paper is as follows: first episode: introduction. Second episode: self-conscious and re-locate. Third episode: Restarting from heart. Artworks are seen as method of theoretical practice. Fourth episode: analysis of my artworks. Fifth episode: conclusion. From the process of painting, I realize that the life is too short but the emotion is eternal. Life is withered easily. Mankind’s mind is movement, which repeats memory continuously. Mind is circulation. Therefore human should be brave to concur darkness. To walk through darkness before dawn and we have to illuminate ourselves by our own. To sum up, there are four series of my artworks “The End Of Life, The Beginning Of Death” , ”Opening Of Happiness” , ”The Five Elements”,” Inaction”. Four series represent different aspects of my concepts.



生命自覺, 從心起航•重新啟航, 生與死, Consciousness of life, Restating, On Living and Dying





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