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本研究主要了解國民中、小學學校飼養校犬所需具備的成因及條件、動物福利狀況,及帶給師生的相關教育與學習意涵。以期提供飼養校犬的學校及飼養者具體可行建議。 本研究屬多重個案的質性研究,研究分為三個階段進行,第一階段為先驅研究於2006年4 至5月間進行,先針對過去曾參與台北巿校園守護犬計畫的學校進行調查,採用的是電話訪談法進行了解,並從中徵得三所學校內相關教職員做深入訪談。第二階段為個案研究於2006年6至11月間進行,針對三所學校進行深入訪談及參與觀察。第三階段採用焦點團體訪談方式進行研究,於2007年12月14日進行,受訪人員共六位。本研究主要有六所個案學校,選取來源有二:一是從過去曾參與台北巿校園守護犬計畫的學校,徵得研究個案學校為四所;二是由相關的動物網站徵詢得到研究個案學校為二所。質性資料來源主要包括學校相關教職員、學生的深度訪談、參與觀察記錄、相闗文件資料蒐集及個人省思札記等輔以分析。 研究發現校犬主要來自校園流浪犬。飼養校犬的構成要件為專責的飼養人、經費、學校所在區域、犬隻特質,其中負責飼養教師是學校能否長期飼養校犬的主要關鍵。動物福利方面受訪的個案學校皆能提供校犬良好的照顧,但也存在一些潛在的動物福利問題。學生對校犬的態度、感受及互動的方式受到相關因素影響,其中有教師帶領學生飼養照顧校犬的學校,學生與校犬的互動頻率高,且對校犬有顯著的關愛行為。研究發現飼養校犬對學生具有潛在的學習意涵。多數受訪者都認為飼養校犬可提供很好的生命教育,但實際上極少教師有利用校犬做為課程的融入,學校主要教育内涵是如何與校犬互動的教育。從整體來看飼養校犬最需要的是背後的學校支持系統,學校成員反對飼養校犬原因在於安全及環境衛生上的疑慮。提昇師生接納校犬的因素,在於將良好的飼養管理、良好的教育策略及學校支持系統這三者的結合,才能使飼養校犬政策永續長存。 關鍵字:動物福利、動物福利教育、動物保護教育
This study is intended to understand reasons and conditions for rearing school dogs, the related animal welfare condition, and education and learning contents of rearing school dogs at junior high and elementary schools in the hope to offer feasible suggestions to schools and rearers. This is a multi-case qualitative study set in three stages. The first stage is the pilot study made between April and May of 2006. Survey was made at schools participating in Taipei City Campus Guardian Dog Program through telephone interviews. In depth interviews with faculties of three schools were made after consent. The second stage is case study made between June and November of 2006 with interviews and participation in observation at three schools. The third stage is focus group interviews made on December 14, 2007 on six interviewees. There are two sources for the six schools selected for this study: four schools participating in Taipei City Campus Guardian Dog Program in the past and two schools from animal website. Qualitative information resources include faculties, in-depth interviews with students, observation participation record, related literatures and personal notes, which are studied through analysis. The findings show that school dogs are mainly stray dogs at schools. Composition factors include rearers in charge, budget, locations of schools, and dog characteristics. Teachers in charge of rearing are the key to whether school can keep dogs for a long time. Interviewed schools take good care of school dogs, although there are potential animal welfare problems. Attitudes and feelings toward the dogs as well as interaction between students and school dogs are affected by relevant factors. Schools where teachers instruct students to take care of school dogs have high interaction frequency between students and school dogs with distinctive care for dogs. The research findings show school dogs provide students with potential learning implication. Most of interviewees believe rearing school dogs provide good life education, although in fact few teachers use school dogs in their teaching materials. The main school education content is to interact with school dogs. Overall, what is most needed is the school support system. Reasons for objection by school members are the concern in security and sanitation. Good rearing management, appropriate education strategies and school support system are the factors to help increase teachers and students’ acceptance of school dogs in order to sustain school dog policies.



動物福利, 動物福利教育, 動物保護教育, animal welfare, animal welfare education, animal protection education





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