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教師素質的提升,不僅是教育工作專業化的起點,也是提振教育品質的關鍵,故舉世各國為因應教師專業發展的需求,紛紛規劃不同的制度,期望能牽引教師素質向上提升,而教學輔導教師制度正是回應此脈絡的舉措。為讓該制度發揮功效,如何透過嚴謹的專業培訓方案,促進教學輔導教師素質的提升,讓優質的教學輔導教師提供夥伴教師適當且必要的支持與協助,不僅至為重要也是教學輔導教師培訓方案的主要目的。爰此,為發揮教學輔導教師專業培訓方案的綜效,本研究運用Kirkpatrick培訓方案成效評估模式中的「回應」以及「學習」面向為架構,輔以參與培訓者對教學輔導教師培訓方案的意見,檢視98年度教育部教師專業發展評鑑北北基區域人才培育中心辦理「教學輔導教師培訓方案」之成效,作為調整與改進既有培訓方案的指引,使其更臻完善。 綜合研究發現,本研究之結論如下: 壹、參與培訓課程之教學輔導教師給予整體培訓課程正面的回饋意見,且在個人收獲面向表示高度肯定 貳、不同背景教學輔導教師在培訓課程整體以及不同面向回饋意見知覺情形大致相同 參、依據教學輔導教師培訓課程架構培養出來的能力雖然未完全符合學理上教學輔導教師應具備的教學輔導知能,但大致相同 肆、參與整體培訓方案之教學輔導教師在培訓後教學輔導知能皆有增長,且以評量與視導面向能力增長最為明顯 伍、教學輔導教師培訓課程雖兼顧理論內容講述與實務演練之授課方式,但仍以理論內容講述比例較多 陸、學校性質的差異會影響教學輔導工作的內容,連帶使參與培訓之教學輔導教師對培訓課程的需求也有差別 柒、教學輔導教師培訓方案辦理方式能滿足大部分參與培訓者的需要 捌、囿於各校配合辦理教學輔導實作演練之措施不同,故教學輔導實作演練雖有助教學輔導概念釐清,但不易落實 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對教育行政機關、區域人才培育中心、參與培訓之教學輔導教師、配合辦理教學輔導實作演練之學校以及未來研究者提出建議。
The enhancement of teacher quality is not only the beginning for teacher professionalization but also the key to education quality improvement. In response to the demands of teacher professionalization, many governments establish various systems to induce the improvement of teacher quality. Mentor system is a result of the trend. To make mentor system effective, it is then important to promote mentor teachers’ quality through rigorous Mentor Teacher Training Program. Rigorous training program may assist mentor teachers to enhance their ability so that they can provide mentee with appropriate and necessary assistance. This is also the purpose of the Mentor Teacher Training Program. The present study based on the two levels of “Reaction” and “Learning” in Kirkpatrick Training Evaluation Model and the trainees’ feedbacks to evaluate the 2009 Mentor Teacher Training Program, organized by Taipei/ New Taipei/ Keelung Regional Professional Training Center, Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development, Ministry of Education. The conclusion can be applied as the guideline for future adjustments and improvement of the program. The study concluded the findings as follows: 1.The feedbacks about the Training Program from trainees are positive. Personal growth is highly affirmed in feedbacks. 2.The cognitive feedbacks about the program in general or in different parts are similar from trainees of different background. 3.The abilities cultivated from the Mentor Teacher Training Program in practice are similar to the abilities mentor teachers should acquire theoretically 4.Trainees improve their professional ability as mentor teachers after the program, especially about evaluation and instructional supervision. 5.Although theory and practice are both emphasized, there is a proportional inequality in course arrangement between the components of theory and practice. Theory components are more. 6.Different characteristics of different schools lead to different requirements of mentor teaching as well as different expectations from the trainees toward the training program. 7.Mentor Teacher Training Program can satisfy most of the trainees’ needs. 8.Hands-on practice assignment is helpful to understand the theoretical concepts for the trainees. However, constrained by the school support, the effect is discounted. The thesis propose suggestions based on the research conclusion and findings, to government officials, regional professional training centers, trainees of the program, schools which assist the mentor teaching practice, and future researchers.



教學輔導教師, 培訓方案, 成效評估, mentor teacher, training program, outcome evaluation





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