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簡約設計(Minimalist Design)是源於20世紀初期的西方現代主義,特色是將設計的元素、色彩、原材料簡化到最少的程度,但對色彩、材料的質感要求很高,強調一切精簡到極致,保留最精華的部分。因此,簡約的設計通常非常含蓄,往往能達到以少勝多、以簡勝繁的效果。誠如歐洲現代主義建築大師Mies Vander Rohe的名言:
「少即是多」(Less is more),被認為是代表簡約主義的核心思想
(The core ideas)。
因此,本文以簡約風格為研究之主旨,其目的即在探討當代簡約風格在包裝設計中所具備的內涵與外在表現手法,作一根源性的探討,藉由這種考察本文試圖釐清下列議題:(1)現代「簡約」風格的包裝設計在不同領域表現之方式如何;(2)實現「簡約」風格在包裝設計的環保意識,創作符合現代環保精神的包裝設計;(3) 「簡約」風格的包裝設計融入現代科技RFID的新包裝概念,使包裝走向新的科技領域。
Minimalism originates from Modernism in the early 20th Century. Its key features are to make elements, colours and materials stripped to their absolute essentials. It only keeps the simplest form to make sure the quality is the finest. Therefore, minimalist designs appear to be implicit. With their essential and elemental aspects, minimalist designs normally manage to have greater impact than complicated, multi-faceted ones. Minimalism is often associated with the modern architect Mies Vander Rohe’s quotation, ‘less is more’, which is considered as the core ideas of Minimalism. Commercial packaging conveys the message from the producers to the consumers. As the development of the technology and living conditions, the packaging design has also been evolving from sophisticated to simple. The purpose of boosting sales gave impetus to the need for more lavish or even excessive packaging. The focus on multiple packaging and inappropriate consumption habits have become a burden to the environment. Nowadays, people are seeking peace and simplicity in the hectic and complex daily life. Minimalist design has therefore penetrated many fields of architecture, space, produce and graphics. It has also had influences on people’s thinking, values and concepts. Minimalism conveys its message through simplicity and essence and it is indeed what meets people’s desire for simple and unsophisticated things. This paper aims to study Minimalist styles, and to discuss modern Minimalist designs’ purpose and their appearances. It hopes to clarify the following issues: (1) How Minimalist-style packaging is presented in different fields, (2) The environmental awareness showed in packaging designs which applied Minimalism, (3) How Minimalist design and modern technology RFID are integrated to form a new era. The essence of design is to connect MI, BI and VI through the arrangement of components such as texts, colours and space. Therefore, with this in mind, people are seeking to be closer to simple, natural forms. This concept meets the purpose of Minimalism and gives people space to breathe. It also relieves the burdens imposed on people when seeing over packaging designs.
Minimalism originates from Modernism in the early 20th Century. Its key features are to make elements, colours and materials stripped to their absolute essentials. It only keeps the simplest form to make sure the quality is the finest. Therefore, minimalist designs appear to be implicit. With their essential and elemental aspects, minimalist designs normally manage to have greater impact than complicated, multi-faceted ones. Minimalism is often associated with the modern architect Mies Vander Rohe’s quotation, ‘less is more’, which is considered as the core ideas of Minimalism. Commercial packaging conveys the message from the producers to the consumers. As the development of the technology and living conditions, the packaging design has also been evolving from sophisticated to simple. The purpose of boosting sales gave impetus to the need for more lavish or even excessive packaging. The focus on multiple packaging and inappropriate consumption habits have become a burden to the environment. Nowadays, people are seeking peace and simplicity in the hectic and complex daily life. Minimalist design has therefore penetrated many fields of architecture, space, produce and graphics. It has also had influences on people’s thinking, values and concepts. Minimalism conveys its message through simplicity and essence and it is indeed what meets people’s desire for simple and unsophisticated things. This paper aims to study Minimalist styles, and to discuss modern Minimalist designs’ purpose and their appearances. It hopes to clarify the following issues: (1) How Minimalist-style packaging is presented in different fields, (2) The environmental awareness showed in packaging designs which applied Minimalism, (3) How Minimalist design and modern technology RFID are integrated to form a new era. The essence of design is to connect MI, BI and VI through the arrangement of components such as texts, colours and space. Therefore, with this in mind, people are seeking to be closer to simple, natural forms. This concept meets the purpose of Minimalism and gives people space to breathe. It also relieves the burdens imposed on people when seeing over packaging designs.
極簡主義, 簡約風格, 包裝設計, RFID, Minimalism, Minimalist style, packaging design, RFID