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有效的薪酬管理制度,不僅可以吸引人才,激勵員工士氣,更可做為組織提昇競爭力的策略性工具,而員工對待遇福利制度的認同度與薪酬的滿意度,將會影響對組織認同的程度,進而促使組織員工適度表現組織公民行為,有助於團隊的運作。本研究目的在探討M機關派外人員駐外薪酬管理、薪酬滿意與組織公民行為之現況及關係。以M機關奉派海外工作駐外人員為研究對象,並透過便利抽樣問卷調查蒐集資料,並採用SPSS Windwos統計軟體,以描述性統計、t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及迴歸分析進行資料處理與分析。研究結果顯示,M機關派外人員主要是男性人員、年齡以41~50歲者居多、已婚者多於未婚者、教育程度多數為研究所以上,公職服務年資多數為11~20年、其派駐地點以北美地區最多,職務層級主要為薦任級人員,本次派外服務任期迄今駐外年資以5年者居多;M機關人員對於薪酬管理與薪酬滿意得分接近中間值,但組織公民行為認知則趨近於同意;在薪酬管理方面,學歷及駐外職位呈現顯著差異;薪酬滿意方面,駐外職位有顯著差異,組織公民行為方面,服務地區則有顯著差異;薪酬管理、薪酬滿意及組織公民行為間呈現顯著正向相關,且薪酬管理對組織公民行為有顯著預測力。根據本研究結果建議M機關在實務方面可以強化薪酬管理之福利措施、重視薪酬管理的重要性、營造良好的工作氛圍、妥善運用人力資源。後續研究建議,擴大研究範圍,量化與質性研究同時進行。
Reward Management system can not only attract talents but can also be a strategic tool to promote competiveness for the organization; whereas, the satisfaction of fringe benefits and rewards for employees would affect organizational recognition, so it would facilitate employees to show citizenship behavior and improve team work. The purpose of this research is to discuss the relationship among the reward management, the reward satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior of the expatriates in M department. Take expatriates of M department as objects, it utilizes survey sampling to collect datum, and employs SPSS Windows software to analyze datum by Descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and Regression Analysis. According to the research, it demonstrates that: primary expatriates of M department are male, aging between 41~50, mostly married, possessing master’s degrees, having work experiences between 10~20years (overseas embassies in North America are the majority). Moreover, most people are junior ranks and stayed in overseas embassies for at least 5 years. For M department, the scores of reward management and reward satisfaction are close to median while the recognition of organizational citizenship behavior tends to agreement. For reward management, academic qualifications and positions in overseas embassies show significant differences. For reward satisfaction, positions in overseas embassies have diversities. As for organizational citizenship behavior, it varies between different serving areas. It is obvious that reward management, reward satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior demonstrate positive correlation, and reward management could be used to forecast organizational citizenship behavior. Based on this research, it recommends that M department should increase fringe benefits of reward management, value the importance of reward management, create a decent work atmosphere and make use of human resources technics. Future recommendation for follow-up researchers are as followed: they could expand the scale of the research and perform quantitative and qualitative research simultaneously.



薪酬制度, 組織承諾, 人力資源管理, compensation systems, organizational commitment, human resource Management





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