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本研究旨在深入探討國小學童所處的家庭背景因素對於國小體適能表現的關係。本研究設定家庭背景因素為國小學童休閒種類與投入程度、父母親的因素及學區就讀因素等三大項,研究對象以台北市光復國小高年級學童為樣本,分析其家庭背景因素對於國小學童體適能之影響。本研究所用之問卷,於事前徵詢專家學者意見針對問卷內容進行評定、修改及預試。研究對象則以臺北市光復國小五、六年級學童 1,151位進行問卷施測,有效問卷為858份,研究時間為97學年度第一學期,統計方法則運用描述統計與單因子變異數分析。研究結果發現:光復國小學童在不同性別、不同年齡、是否為獨生子女、參與安親班與否、不同休閒運動、父親職業、母親職業、父母陪伴運動、母親學歷、不同居住地區、不同上學方式等11項有顯著差異。本研究建議,上述家庭因素對於學童體適能確實有顯著影響,因此學童父母宜多留心相關議題,培養學童運動習慣,促使學童有更健全之體適能發展。
The purpose of this study was to identify which factors of an elementary school are child's family background are primarily responsible for their physical fitness performance. In this study factors of an elementary school age child’s family background were established: level of involvement in leisure activities, parental factors, schooling factors. The upper grade students of Taipei Municipal Guangfu Elementary School were the subjects of this study, analyzing their family background factors in order to indentify which factors impact the physical fitness performance of elementary school children. The contents of questionnaires employed in this study were first were evaluated and modified by a group of experts and scholars. The questionnaires were handed out to 1,151 fifth and sixth grade students of Guangfu Elementary School, of which 858 valid questionnaires were returned. The time period of this study was the first semester of the 2008 academic school year, for the method of statistics were the descriptive statistics and single-factor variables. The results were as follows: 11 Factors were shown to have an impact on the physical fitness performance of the children at Guangfu Elementary School, including the gender difference, age difference, whether or not he/she was an only child, participation in childcare center , different leisure activities, different occupation of the father and the mother, difference of the mother’s level of education, location of residence, difference in methods of getting to school . The results of this study found that there were significant relation between school children’s physical fitness and the family factors; The parents should be more aware of these issues increase the exercise opportunity, thereby allowing their children to have a more development of physical fitness.
The purpose of this study was to identify which factors of an elementary school are child's family background are primarily responsible for their physical fitness performance. In this study factors of an elementary school age child’s family background were established: level of involvement in leisure activities, parental factors, schooling factors. The upper grade students of Taipei Municipal Guangfu Elementary School were the subjects of this study, analyzing their family background factors in order to indentify which factors impact the physical fitness performance of elementary school children. The contents of questionnaires employed in this study were first were evaluated and modified by a group of experts and scholars. The questionnaires were handed out to 1,151 fifth and sixth grade students of Guangfu Elementary School, of which 858 valid questionnaires were returned. The time period of this study was the first semester of the 2008 academic school year, for the method of statistics were the descriptive statistics and single-factor variables. The results were as follows: 11 Factors were shown to have an impact on the physical fitness performance of the children at Guangfu Elementary School, including the gender difference, age difference, whether or not he/she was an only child, participation in childcare center , different leisure activities, different occupation of the father and the mother, difference of the mother’s level of education, location of residence, difference in methods of getting to school . The results of this study found that there were significant relation between school children’s physical fitness and the family factors; The parents should be more aware of these issues increase the exercise opportunity, thereby allowing their children to have a more development of physical fitness.
健康體適能, 家庭背景, 休閒活動, 學區就讀, Healthy physical fitness, family background, leisure activities, school district attendance