

Atayal在泰雅族語中「人」的意思,而雅衛‧尤巴斯這個名字是從前連結我與這個族群的依據,為何作出這樣形容?這與成長的背景息息相關,在都市與主流文化教育下成長的我,眼前所見的事物,樓房取代了高山;書籍與媒體取代了長輩的口述教育;世俗的禮範取代了泰雅社會中的ga ga。 「原住民」對我來說既陌生又熟悉。在十二年的主流學院美術教育與美感訓練後,開始重新歸回我的族群─「泰雅」的文化洗禮,在文化溯源的過程中,有太多無法言喩的感動,而這樣對自我族群強烈的歸屬感,激勵著在研究所期間以原住民文化為研究主題最大的動力。鑒於原住民無文字,而生命的感念與族群的信仰以代代口述相傳,拉進了部落各體系的情感聯繫。其中,傳說與神話傳遞著古老族群的神秘感與生命觀,而彩墨中深沉且內斂的視覺意像,紙與布造就出未可預期的墨韻流動,這樣的東方美感與原住民對自然體認共生共榮的民族性更相呼應。秉持此信念將台灣原住民口述文學的內涵匯入東方彩墨視覺語彙作創作試探,試圖跳脫既定的原住民意象符號式之重組、編排,並以一種特有民族之宇宙觀、生命觀、祖靈信念及價值思維的方向呈現多元且繽紛的當代台灣「原樣」。 創作態度趨向於一種以繪畫來「生活」或是「紀錄」的概念,也如同回歸原點般,去探究創作的初衷,真誠的展現自我的生命歷程。以繪畫的方式去體驗生活;以繪畫的方式去紀錄生命,因為生活所以去學習、去吸收、去認識自我,再以繪畫的方式將其中的感動與體驗紀錄下來。在此,藉由繪畫的能量找到重拾母體文化的回家之路。
“Atayal” means “human being” in the Atayal language and “yawi‧yupas” used to connect me and the tribe. The way it is described has a lot to do with my background. Growing in a city and receiving the mainstream culture education, I have seen tall buildings replacing mountains, books and media replacing the oral education from the elder, the customs replacing “ga ga” in the Atayal society. “Aboriginies” are both unfamiliar and familiar to me. Receiving the mainstream college art education and training for twelve years, I started to relate myself to my own tribe—Atayal. In the process of learning more about our origins, I couldn’t help but feel touched and part of it, which resulted in my strong motivation to base my research on the aboriginal culture. The aborigines have no written language, so they hand down their culture to their descendants by talking. It strengthened the emotional connections. Among the various domains, legends and myths tell the mysteries from the old tribes and their viewpoints on lives. And the visionary images in tsei-mo art use paper and cloth to create the unexpected ink flow. This kind of the eastern beauty and the tribal nature are correlated. I try to include the nature of the aboriginal oral literature in the eastern tsei-mo art creation, get rid of the aboriginal symbolic combinations, and present the modern Taiwanese diverse 「original sample」. The concept of living and recoding through paintings is like going back to the origin to find out the motivation and reveal ourselves. I paint to experience the life and to record the life. I live and I learn, to know myself and I record the touching moments through paintings. Here, I hope to find the road to the culture with the energy from the paintings.



原住民, 口述文化, 泰雅, 彩墨, Aboriginies, Oral culture, Atayal, Tsei-Mo Art





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