
dc.contributorLin, Shu-Jouen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Ying-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract「在我的領地中,你必須盡全力跑,才能維持在相同的位置。如果你想前進,就必須跑得比現在快兩倍!」1995年哈佛大學學者卡夫曼〈Stuart Kauffman〉拿來描述商業生態圈動態競爭的「紅皇后效應」貼切的呼應近年來藥廠商業型態的動態競爭。近15年適逢藥業組織變革:由於研發難有突破性新藥、醫藥行銷法規日益嚴峻、健保政策制度變革,與競爭廠家模仿能力的快速進化,讓所有原廠藥廠必須在有限的藥品專利期內藉由組織變革極大化藥品的產值並極優化三方核心人員:醫藥學術專員、行銷人員及業務代表日常操作的專業性。因此,本研究希望藉由藥廠高階經理人的深度訪談從而了解因應醫藥產業外部變遷的最適化藥廠組織架構。 本研究透過訪談現今3家不同藥廠總經理與分析2019年前5大國際藥廠台灣分公司組織結構而探究現行藥廠不同組織制度的優缺點,與其所因應執行的誘因、動機制度,從而發覺在紛紛擾擾的藥廠生態裡的適切藥廠組織與制度。 1.醫藥學術-行銷-業務組織架構因應產品週期調整:新藥品上市或特殊罕見疾病與癌症藥物多採用BU制(Business Unit);而學名藥物或過專利藥物可採用GM制(General Manager)來維持產品廣度與市場覆蓋度。2.高階主管的經驗會影響組織設計成果,藥廠於招募或培訓高階經理人時可設定未來的管理者具備多樣化的工作經驗累積,而非單一工作經驗(譬如:僅具備業務經驗或僅具備行銷經驗)。3.獎金制度設計可以與組織設計互補達到有效分工。4.考量藥廠行銷規範仍建議將醫藥學術單位歸屬於醫藥學術主管管理,以維持其專業度,但是可以選取具有商業思考與策略能力的醫藥學術主管以促進組織結構的融合(譬如:醫藥學術主管具備醫藥專業博碩士學歷之外也同時具備EMBA或商管學經歷)。5.當多數藥品已過專利期,可藉由成立分公司或獨立組織架構/委外經銷以減少營運成本並維持市場占有率。6.新藥開發遲滯時透過併購特殊的學名藥(譬如:生物相似藥物)在新藥開發有限時推動藥廠成長。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract“Here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast at that!” In 1995, Harvard scholar Stuart Kauffman adopted the "Red Queen Effect" to describe the competition in the business, and now it can apply to the recent pharmaceutical competition as well. During these 15 years transformation of pharmaceutical industry caused by limited breakthrough new drugs, strict pharmaceutical promotional policy, drug expenditure target changes and competitors’ rapid copycat ability, all brand pharmaceutical companies eager to maximize the value of drugs and optimize the professional daily practice among the three cross-functional core members:medical scientific liaison (MSL), marketers and sale representatives. Hence, this study will understand the optimal pharmaceutical organizational structure to reflect to the external changes through the interviews with some senior managers in the pharmaceutical companies. The study is based on the interviews with the general managers from the three pharmaceutical companies and also provides complementary analyses of the top 5 global pharmaceutical companies’ organization in Taiwan in 2019. Our results show the pros and cons of the organizational differences and identify the appropriate organizational structures under operational contexts. 1. The medical-marketing and sales organization may adopt by the product life cycle: new product launch, rare disease drugs and oncology drugs may follow the business unit structure (BU: Business Unit); generics or patent-off drugs can be benefits by the 3 separations (GM: General Manager) to maintain the market penetration and coverage rate. 2. The top managers’ experience will also impact to the outcome, pharmaceutical industries may recruit the candidates with multi jobs experience instead of limited experience (ex: only sales experience or only marketing experience). 3. Bonus design combines with the organization design may also lead to specialization and integration. 4. Considering the pharmaceutical promotion policy to suggest medical directors manage the medical team to ensure the professional, but may recruit the medical managers with business sense or strategic thinking (ex. The medical managers who have both Ph.D./ medical master degree and EMBA/ business management degree/experience). 5. Companies may consider to spin-off a new company or rely on an individual business unit/outsourcing 3rd party for the bunches of patent-off products management to save the cost and maintain the market share. 6. To merge some special generics such as bio-similar drugs may support the company to grow while lack of new products launch.en_US
dc.subjectpharmaceutical industryen_US
dc.subjectorganizational restructureen_US
dc.subjectorganizational designen_US
dc.titleThe Tangled Relationships among Marketing, Sales and Medical Service in Pharmaceutical Companiesen_US

