
dc.contributorChou Li-Tuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu Hsin-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的研究目的在於了解國民中學綜合領域教師實施多元評量的情形,探討教師對多元評量態度、多元評量實施困難與專業成長需求為何。 本研究係用自編「國民中學綜合活動學習領域實施多元評量調查問卷」進行問卷調查法,以桃竹苗地區公立國民中學綜合領域教師344人為研究對象。以統計軟體SPSS 18.0版進行敘述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後分析以及皮爾遜積差相關分析,本研究獲得了以下的結論: 一、國民中學綜合領域教師實施多元評量情形:   國民中學綜合領域教師實施多元評量情形良好,以「評量內容多元」面向實施情形最佳,而「評量人員的多元」面向實施情形尚待加強。大部份教師曾經使用六種以上評量方式於綜合活動課程。有高達九成以上教師曾經使用作業、報告以及實作為評量方式,有七成以上教師,從未使用鑑賞評量,近九成老師從未使用晤談評量。綜合領域教師對於多元評量態度,大部份抱持著正面肯定的看法。在實施多元評量方面較少感到困擾,主要的困難來源為「班級人數過多」,以及「每週授課時數過多」,大部分綜合領域老師認為多元評量專業成長是重要的。 二、個人背景分析方面: 國民中學綜合領域教師在個人背景變項(教育程度、教學年資、兼任職務、在學是否修習教學評量相關課程、三年內參與教學評量研習情形、是否兼任其他領域授課)在實施多元評量各面向的差異性與相關性分析 (一)實施多元評量方面:三年內有參與教學評量相關研習者顯著優於未參與者;合科教學,採2+1排課者,優於分科教學,每科1節課排課者。 (二)在多元評量態度方面:三年內有參與教學評量相關研習者,顯著較未參與者更正向。 其餘個人背景變項在實施多元評量、多元評量態度、多元評量實施困難,以及多元評量專業成長需求上,未達顯著差異及相關。 最後,依據研究的結果,對綜合領域教師、學校、教育相關單位,以及未來的相關研究提出具體建議,作為往後推動多元評量的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study is to find out the ststus of implementing multiple assessments by the integrated activity teachers in junior high school. The study explores the attitude of teachers to multiple assessments, the implementation difficulties and the demand of professional growth toward multiple assessments. The study was conducted by means of self-arranged questionnaire survey procedure to investigate the implementation of multiple assessments for the integrated activity in junior high schools. The subjects included a sample of 344 teachers in public junior high school in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli County. The researcher derived the study results through using SPSS 18.0 in conducting the descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to carry on the material analysis. The followings are the discoveries derived from the data analysis. 1. The status of multiple assessments implementation in the integrated activity field in junior high school: The performance of the multiple assessment implementations in junior high school is good. Among different aspects of implementations, the best is the diversity of implementation components, and the worst is the diversity of the teachers. Most of teachers have used above six assessment methods on the integrated activities. Above 90% of teachers have used homework, reports and performances as the assessment forms. Nevertheless, above 70% of teachers have never used appreciation assessment, and nearly 90% of teachers have never used interview assessment. Most of the integrated activity teachers affirm the positive effects of the multiple assessments on the students. The major ones come from large-sized classes, and long teaching hours of each teacher in the field of integrated activity. Therefore, most of teachers in the field of integrated activity believe it’s important for improving their ability in multiple assessments. 2. The analyses of personal background: According to the investigation of personal background variables(education, teaching seniority, part/full-time job, school studies, in-service training in three years, teach multiple fields), the research result for teachers in each dimension of the implementation is as below. (1) The implementation dimension: Teachers who conduct in-service training in three years are significantly better than those who don’t conduct it. Inter disciplinary teaching which one teach two lessons, the other teach one lesson is better than disciplinary teaching which each subject is arranged separately in one lesson. (2) The attitude dimension: Teachers who conduct in-service training in three years significantly take more positive attitude than those who don’t conduct it. The other personal background variables have no significant difference in the attitude of the teachers to multiple assessments, the implementation difficulties and the demand of professional growth toward multiple assessments. At last, the research result can provide references for teachers, school administrations and educational administrations in further promotion and suggestions of multiple assessments.en_US
dc.subjectMultiple Assessmentsen_US
dc.subjectIntegrated Activityen_US
dc.subjectJunior High Schoolen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Implementation of the Multiple Assessments by Integrated Activity Teachers in Junior High Schoolen_US


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