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Chyi-In Wu

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Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies


網際網路虛擬空間生活的經驗,到底對個人的真實日常生活,有何實質的影響?。這個問題不應該只是一個理論的問題,它其實更應該是一個實證的問題。因為,虛擬的網路生活空間,所提供的是無窮的自由想像與創造的機會,它讓人們有絕對的機會實驗或嘗試新的事物。因,要回答以上的問題,應該要從實證的資料著手,才能深入理解:人們在這個新天地中的實驗與嘗試經驗,如何回過頭來,重新「塑造」或重新「建構」人們日常真實社區生活的行為與感受。 本研究之目的乃在於找出可以進一步驗證的研究假設。從本研究的分析結果中,至少可以提出兩個可以進一步驗證的研究假設。第一、個人在從一般平民轉化為網民的過程中,所經歷的似乎不是單向線性連續發展的歷程,而是一種類似階梯式需跟越一道一道門檻的超越躍升路徑。每個階段的門檻高低不一,因此向下一階段邁進所需之努力程度亦不同。而這些都會反映在當下網路使用者對網際路環境的觀感與體認以及因此而投射的心理、社會意向之中。第二、不同性別的網路使用者在網際網路虛擬空間裡,可能有著不同的遭遇。性別的刻板印象在網際網路中的影響作用,值得仔細觀察解析。以本研究目前所掌握的資料來看,這是非常值得而且可以繼續深入研究的議題。
How the living experience in cyberspace affects the real life of individuals the real life of individuals is not just a theoretical question but also an empirical question. The cyberspace not only provides freedom to imagination but also presents opportunities for creating. It makes it possible that people are able to experiment or try brand new things in this "unlimited" world. To understand this circumstance, we need empirical data to explore the pathway that how the experience of cyberspace "reconstruct" or "re-model" individuals' behaviors and feelings of real community life. The purpose of this study is to figure out some hypotheses that could be empirically examined. This study found that, first; the process of transmission from Internet nonusers to Internet users for individuals is not a monotone linear trajectory. Instead, it's a ladder-type of process that people have to transcend from previous level to next level. The threshold for each level is not parallel; therefore, the effort need to be made to reach next level is dissimilar. These situations will all reflect on individuals' imagination of cyberspace and thereby affect their daily behaviors in real social life. Secondly, gender effect is another important issue that have to be investigated more thoroughly in the studies related to cyberspace since the impact of stereo -type of gender on Internet users' online behavior can be one of the most important research issues related to people's living experience on cyberspace.






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